Strawberry Cookies {4 Ingredient Recipe} (2024)

These strawberry cookies are a healthy and wholesome recipe that needs just four ingredients to make. Thick, chewy, and bursting with berries, they bake in just 12 minutes.

Strawberry Cookies {4 Ingredient Recipe} (1)

Strawberry desserts are severely underrated.

I love adding fresh strawberries to baked goods to give them some lovely fruity notes and added strawberry flavor. They also pair well with many flavors, like in my peanut butter jelly bars, strawberry banana bread, or creamy strawberry cheesecake.

Where they truly shine, though, is to use them in my strawberry cookie recipe.

These cookies were inspired by both my blueberry oatmeal cookies and classic oatmeal cookies. I love making them whenever I want to use up pantry staples or for occasions (like Valentine’s Day or baby showers!), and they are always an instant hit.

Table of Contents
  1. Recipe highlights
  2. Ingredients needed
  3. How to make strawberry cookies
  4. Tips to make the best recipe
  5. Storage instructions
  6. Frequently asked questions
  7. More easy cookies to try
  8. Strawberry Cookies (4 Ingredients) (Recipe Card)

Recipe highlights

  • Just four ingredients. All you need are oats, peanut butter, banana, and strawberries!
  • No eggs or butter. Unlike other cookies, these skip the butter and eggs but turn out just as soft and chewy as you’d expect them to be.
  • No chill time. Like the above point, these can be prepped and baked immediately.
  • Perfect for breakfast. Thanks to the wholesome ingredients, these cookies would be great for any meal of the day, from breakfast to dessert.

Ingredients needed

This recipe calls for basic pantry staples that you can find at any grocery store. Here is what you’ll need:

  • Rolled oats– Gives the cookies a chewy texture, especially compared to quick-cooking oats. Use gluten-free rolled oats to keep this recipe gluten-free.
  • Almond butter– Smooth and creamy with no added sugar. You can also use peanut or cashew butter. Replace the nut butter with a nut-free alternative, like tahini or sunflower seed butter.
  • Banana– Adds moisture to the cookies while also adding some natural sweetness. Unsweetened applesauce will also work.
  • Strawberries– Chop the strawberries finely so they are evenly dispersed within the cookies. Reserve a few to top the cookies with. I’ve tested this recipe with freeze-dried strawberries but didn’t like the texture.
  • Chocolate Chips– Optional, but I love adding a few tablespoons of white chocolate chips because they make a fabulous combo.
  • Vanilla extract. Optional, but highly recommended for cookies.
  • Salt. Just a pinch to balance out the sweet ingredients.

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.

How to make strawberry cookies

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 175C/350F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper or use a Silpat cookie sheet. Set aside.

Step 2: In a large bowl, combine all your ingredients, except for your chocolate chips, and stir or whisk well. Using a rubber spatula, fold in your chocolate chips into the mixture.

Step 3: Form 16 small dough balls of cookie dough (either using your hands or with a cookie scoop). Place each ball on the lined tray or baking sheet and press each in a cookie shape. If desired, top with extra chocolate chips. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden on the edges.

Step 4: Allow the cookies to cool on the tray/sheet for 10 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.

Strawberry Cookies {4 Ingredient Recipe} (2)

Tips to make the best recipe

  • Do not overbake the cookies, as the exterior will become overly hard, and the center be rubbery. Start checking the cookies around the 12-minute mark and remember, they continue to cook while cooling down.
  • These cookies aren’t overly sweet and rely on strawberries, bananas, and chocolate chips for sweetness. Feel free to add some liquid stevia, granulated sugar, or maple syrup for extra sweetness.
  • Chill the dough if you prefer thicker and chewier cookies. 30 minutes in the refrigerator is plenty of time.
  • Add a dash of lemon juice to the batter to enhance the flavor of the strawberries.
  • Fold through some nuts, seeds, or even coconut flakes for more texture.
  • Press down on each cookie to form a cookie shape before baking them. Because there is no baking powderorsoda, the cookies with keep their shape throughout.
  • Swirl through some cream cheese, and these will remind you of a strawberry cheesecake.
  • Add a few scoops of protein powder to make these filling breakfast cookies.

Storage instructions

To store: These strawberry cookies are eggless and aren’t the best to keep at room temperature. Store leftover cookies in the refrigerator and refrigerate until ready to enjoy. They will keep fresh (in an airtight container) for up to 1 week.

To freeze: Place leftover cookies in a freezer bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Strawberry Cookies {4 Ingredient Recipe} (3)

Frequently asked questions

Can I use frozen strawberries?

Fresh strawberries are preferred, but frozen strawberries can also be used. I prefer the former as I’ve found the frozen kind tends to be less sweet.If you use frozen strawberries, be sure to thaw them out completely and use a paper towel to remove any extra moisture.

Can I use a different type of fruit instead of strawberries?

Yes! Other berries or chopped fruits are a fabulous addition.

Do I need to chill the dough before baking?

No, chilling the dough is not necessary for these cookies. Because they don’t have eggs or rising agents in them, they won’t be prone to spreading.

Can I make these cookies in advance?

These aren’t the best cookies to make ahead of time as they contain ingredients that may dry out the longer they sit.

More easy cookies to try

  • Blueberry cookies– Almost identical recipe except for the berries.
  • Peanut butter oatmeal cookies– Flourless, 4 ingredients, and perfect for dessert.
  • No bake oatmeal cookies– 3 ingredients and my family’s favorite snack.
  • Thumbprint cookies– Deceptively easy to make and SO good.

Strawberry Cookies {4 Ingredient Recipe} (4)

Strawberry Cookies (4 Ingredients)

5 from 1633 votes

These soft and chewy strawberry cookies are made with four ingredients and take 12 minutes to bake.

Servings: 12 Cookies

Prep: 5 minutes mins

Cook: 12 minutes mins

Total: 17 minutes mins

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  • 2 cups rolled oats gluten free, if needed
  • 2 large bananas mashed
  • 1/4 cup strawberries chopped
  • 1/2 cup almond butter can sub for any nut or seed butter of choice
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips optional


  • Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Line a large tray with parchment paper or prepare a Silpat cookie sheet. Set aside.

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine all your ingredients, except for the strawberries and chocolate chips. Fold them through at the end.

  • Form 12 small balls of dough and place each one on the lined sheet. Press each ball into a cookie shape.

  • Bake for 12 minutes, or until golden on the edges. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool on the tray completely.


TO STORE: These strawberry cookies are eggless and aren’t the best to keep at room temperature. Store leftover cookies in the refrigerator and refrigerate until ready to enjoy. They will keep fresh (in a sealed container) for up to 1 week.

TO FREEZE: Place leftover cookies in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Serving: 1cookieCalories: 98kcalCarbohydrates: 12gProtein: 3gFat: 5gSodium: 1mgPotassium: 159mgFiber: 2gVitamin A: 11IUVitamin C: 3mgCalcium: 33mgIron: 1mgNET CARBS: 10g

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Author: Arman Liew

Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Recipe originally published April 2019, but updated to include new information.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsem*nt, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.

Strawberry Cookies {4 Ingredient Recipe} (2024)
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