Your choux pastry failed? Look here for answers! | Gallery posted by Challe Cafe | Lemon8 (2024)

Choux pastry always look so easy to make but there are actually plenty of hidden steps and techniques that you must make and avoid! Apparently, not everyone will explain these steps to you in detail. Here is a breakdown of frequently made errors while baking choux pastry.

1. Your puff pastry rose nicely in the oven but suddenly deflated? 😭

That’s one of the worst feeling ever haha. It’s like false hope. One reason is that you did not stir fry your dough long enough to dry up the excess moisture or you added too much eggs. Too much moisture causes the choux pastry to sink. The other important reason is your oven was not preheated enough. The oven must be very hot the moment you put your choux pastry dough in to bake. The last reason your pastry collapsed is because you baked with uneven heat. You MUST bake the pastry dough at 180-190•C for at least 15 minutes before turning the heat down to somewhere between 160-170•C for the remaining duration. (Turning the heat down too much will cause your pastry to rise and sink immediately.)This ensures that the pastry forms a stable crust that prevents it from collapsing. If you want to achieve the softer old school bakery puff pastry texture, bake it at 170•C throughout the entire duration. It will be something like the choux pastries I used in my matcha cream puffs and yakult cream puffs videos. (Do note that I added a layer of cookie crust on the puff pastries in the photos but the matcha and yakult cream puffs were plain choux pastry without an extra cookie layer.)

2. Your choux pastry rose unevenly? 😫

This is because you did not give it enough space to bake. When the choux pastry touch each other while baking, it causes the sides in contact to sink and not rise properly. Always make sure they are far apart from the sides of the tray and each other.

😎 Extra tips to get the perfect choux pastry:

- Make your cookie dough as thin as possible to avoid adding excess weight on the choux pastry while baking.

- Bake in a fan oven.

- Properly stir fry your dough to remove excess moisture from the water and milk.

- Add the eggs in bit by bit. You may not need the full amount at all.

- Preheat the oven at 190•C for 5-10 mins prior to putting your dough in to bake.

- Do NOT ever open the oven door while baking.

- Immediately open the oven door the moment the pastries are done baking.

Hope this is helpful!

#Recipe #HomeCafe #baking #bakinghacks #triedandtested #dessert #foodie #lemon8food

Your choux pastry failed? Look here for answers! | Gallery posted by Challe Cafe | Lemon8 (2024)


Why did my choux pastry fail? ›

If the puffs collapse it means there was too much moisture in them. So either you did not dry the dough enough, or they were not cooked enough.

What causes faults in choux pastry? ›

Potential reasons for each fault include insufficient cooling, eggs added too quickly, not beating the mixture enough, incorrect baking temperature or time, insufficient baking, and allowing the liquid to cool too much before adding flour.

What is the secret to choux pastry? ›

To understand why choux is twice-cooked, it's important to know that choux needs lots of moisture: it's the steam generated by its high water content that causes it to swell and puff so much (there's no baking soda, baking powder, yeast, beaten egg whites, or any other leavening agent to help give it extra lift).

What makes choux pastry collapse? ›

Make sure the pastry is cooked properly as if it is taken out of the oven too early the steam inside the buns causes them to collapse and become soft and soggy. Once the choux is made it can be piped or spooned into shapes and then frozen in its raw state.

What happens if you add too much egg to choux pastry? ›

If you've used too many eggs in your pastry dough, water in the egg yolk will start to separate from the yolk. Once the pastry is baking in the oven, this water then evaporates, causing the structure of the pastry to tighten up and shrink. The dough is too thick to pipe.

Is butter or margarine better for choux pastry? ›

The most used fat is butter, but choux pastry can be made also with oil, margarine or lard. The higher is the content of fat, the more the cream puff will be crumbly and rounded with a smooth surface. Less is the fat (compared to the flour), lighter the cream puff will be (with an irregular and cracked surface).

How to fix runny choux pastry? ›

If the problem is the dough consistency, add flour one tablespoon at a time until the dough is no longer runny. After adding more flour, cook the dough over the stove for a couple of minutes to get rid of the flour taste.

What is the most important ingredient in choux pastry? ›

The essential ingredients are butter, water, flour and eggs. Instead of a raising agent, choux pastry employs its high moisture content to create steam, as the water in the dough evaporates when baked, puffing the pastry.

What happens if my choux pastry is too liquid? ›

If your batter ended up being too runny, possibly you have added a little too much eggs. To fix this, cook a paste using roughly half the choux recipe (water, milk, flour, butter similar to how you started). Hold the piping bag in an angle. One hand to squeeze and the other hand to guide and control the movement.

Is choux pastry better with milk or water? ›

Choux pastry has two important stages. First you cook it and then you bake it. For the liquid, you can use water or milk or a combination of both. We choose the combination of both because this way you get a nice color and tender bite, but the extra water also allows for baking at a slightly higher temperature.

How to keep choux crispy? ›

Returning the baked choux to a turned-off oven helps keep them crisp.

What happens if choux pastry is too thick? ›

The choux pastry is too thick: If the choux pastry doesn't fall from the wooden spoon, then it's too thick. Whisk an egg in a bowl and gradually in a thin stream start adding a small amount of the whisked egg into the mixture, while mixing with an electric mixer.

What can go wrong when making choux pastry? ›

Pate a choux troubleshooting
  1. Dry ingredients haven't been dissolved/incorporated completely. ...
  2. Dough may have been beaten for too long, or at high speed before adding the eggs, causing the fat to separate from dough. ...
  3. Pastry shells may have been baked at too high temperature, making the dough rise at a rapid speed.

Why is my choux not puffing up? ›

If too much egg is added or if it is added too quickly, the Choux's ability to rise when baked will be affected. Similarly, if not enough egg is incorporated, it won't puff, causing it to be dense inside.

What do eggs do in choux pastry? ›

Not many choux pastry recipes call for sugar, but only 2 teaspoons provide a little flavor. The bulk of the pastry dough is eggs. Eggs provide some leavening, allowing the pastries to puff up when baked. The centers are soft, light, and airy.

How do you fix runny choux pastry? ›

If the problem is the dough consistency, add flour one tablespoon at a time until the dough is no longer runny. After adding more flour, cook the dough over the stove for a couple of minutes to get rid of the flour taste.

Can you overmix choux? ›

Second, it is important to cook the flour for a few minutes before adding the eggs. This will help to develop the gluten in the flour, which will give the dough its structure. Finally, it is important to not overmix the dough after the eggs are added. Overmixing can make the dough tough.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when making choux pastry and how can they be prevented? ›

One reason is that you did not stir fry your dough long enough to dry up the excess moisture or you added too much eggs. Too much moisture causes the choux pastry to sink. The other important reason is your oven was not preheated enough. The oven must be very hot the moment you put your choux pastry dough in to bake.

Why did my Puff Pastry fail? ›

Heat is the enemy of Puff Pastry—it handles best when cold. So avoid working with it on hot, humid days, in a stifling hot kitchen or next to your oven. Puff Pastry works best when cold.

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