10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (2024)

Home Education 10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs

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Choux pastry is undoubtedly one of our favourite baked goods to make. It has a light and airy texture, lightly crisp exterior, and is usually filled with a silky smooth pastry cream.

You can see that we have a soft spot for Cream Puffs, such as in these Belgian Dark Chocolate Peppermint Cream Puffs we just launched recently for Christmas, but there are more types of desserts that you can create using choux pastry.

10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (1)
Desserts made with choux pastry range from the chocolate-covered éclairs you can find sold at cafés and patisseries in Singapore to magnificent croquembouches, a popular French dessert.

There’s also savoury ones like gougères—bite-sized cheese puffs that are perfect for snacking.

Learning how to bake the perfect choux pastry will help you to expand your baking repertoire. In this article, we’ve rounded up 10 tips to make the best choux pastry that’ll up your choux pastry game!

Choux Pastry Baking Tips

The steps of making choux pastry are actually quite simple.

Firstly, all the ingredients such as water, butter, sugar and salt are combined over a stove, except for flour and eggs.

Once the mixture is well combined, flour is added to turn it into a dough, which is then further cooked on the stove to reduce moisture init.

Lastly, the eggs are added in several additions to make the dough shiny and pipeable. This dough is then piped and baked into light pastries ready for piping and filling!

To get the best results, you'll need to apply the right techniques. The foolproof tips below will help you to make crisp and puffy choux pastry!

1. Use unsalted butter.

10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (2)
Using unsalted butter in your choux pastry will give you more control of the flavour. You can accurately measure the amount of salt going into your dough, and won’t end up with overly salty choux pastry.

You don’t need to melt or soften butter before making choux pastry dough, but we recommend cutting it into smaller pieces. That way, it’ll melt quicker when you boil it with water over the stove.

2. Your choice of flour matters.

We use cake flour in ourcream puff baking kits. However, there are many choux pastry recipes you can find online that use different types of flour.

There is no hard and fast rule to choosing flours for choux pastry, but it depends on the result you’re expecting.

Using cake flour will give your choux pastry a light and airy texture.

It will rise more in the oven, which helps if you’re adding craquelin (cookie crust) as a topping. There will be more room for the delicious pastry cream filling as well.
10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (3)
Some bakers prefer all purpose or bread flour because the high protein content makes the choux pastry hold their shape better. These flours also give choux pastry a thick and crisp shell.

The downside of using all purpose or bread flour is that there won’t be as much rise as choux pastry made with cake flour.

No matter which flour you’re using, remember to sift the flour so that it can incorporate well into your dough. Use a fine-mesh sieve for the best results!

3. Give the flour a vigorous stir.

Although choux pastry is meant to be delicate, it still needs enough gluten to hold its shape when baked.

After melting the butter with the water over the stove, add all the flour in one go, then give the mixture a vigorous stir until the flour is well combined with the wet ingredients, and cook until it no longer sticks to the pot.
10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (4)
There is enough gluten in your dough to provide structure at this stage, but it will not make your choux pastry too tough.

It’s a bit of an arm workout, but the results will be worth it! Know when to stop, and your choux pastry will turn out just right.

4. Cool down the flour mixture immediately.

When you’re cooking the choux dough over the flame, once the flour mixture is mixed in thoroughly and your dough is cooked and has the right consistency, remove the pan from the heat right away!

It’s important to cool this mixture down before adding the eggs in.

Doing so will prevent the eggs from cooking when you add them in. Ignore this step, and you’ll end up with gummy choux pastry with an eggy taste.

Try flattening the dough along the sides of a bowl to cool it down quickly. This will also help to give your puffs a lightly crisp texture since more water will evaporate from the dough.

5. Add eggs in several additions.

The proper way to mix eggs into the flour mixture is by adding a small amount at a time, then stirring the mixture vigorously after each addition.

Add about 2 tablespoons of beaten eggs into the dough and make sure it’s mixed well before adding more.
10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (5)
Adding all the eggs at once will only make them splash around and make it much harder to incorporate them completely.

6. Test your dough’s consistency.

Just like how bread dough needs to pass the windowpane test, your choux pastry dough should pass the String Test.

The String Test does not target gluten development, but determines if the dough has reached the ideal consistency.

Take a bit of dough using your thumb and index finger, then pull your fingers apart. The dough has reached an ideal consistency if a string of dough forms between your fingers, and it’ll turn out great when baked.

10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (6)
Another way to test your choux dough is by performing the
V test.

Place a rubber spatula upright in your choux dough, stir a little, and then lift the spatula. If your choux dough’s ready, it should form a V shape at the end of the spatula.

Check out the tutorial video for our Belgian Dark Chocolate Peppermint Cream Puffs[4:30]to see how we performed the V test!

7. Use the right piping tip, and space them apart.

Use the suitable piping tip depending on the type of choux pastry you’re making.

For éclairs, you’ll want to use a star piping tip. Cream puffs can be made with or without a round piping tip.

No matter what kind of choux pastry dessert you’re making, it’s important to make them the same size.

This rule applies in pretty much every type of baked goods. It ensures even cooking, and nothing’s better than seeing an army of uniformly-sized choux pastries.

10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (7)
Also, remember to give some space between your choux pastries to keep them from baking into each other. They might start out small, but they will expand as much as thrice its original size!

If you have a bigger oven, using a bigger baking tray will help you bake multiple choux pastries at one go!

8. Bake at a high temperature.

There has to be enough steam in the oven to puff up your choux pastry dough.

A way to create steam is by setting your oven to high heat; nothing less than 180°C!

Some ovens might not be calibrated, where the internal temperature does not equate to what is set on the knob. Find out the true internal temperature of your oven using an oven thermometer.

The concept is the same as creating steam when you bake our No-Knead Cinnamon Nutmeg Raisin Bread.

Baked goods won’t be able to rise nicely without steam. Avoid opening the oven door during baking, so the steam will not escape.

9. Release the steam.

After your choux pastry has been baked and have puffed up in the oven, the residual steam must be released.

Pierce the bottom of each choux pastry with a skewer or knife; a small opening is enough.
10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (8)
If there’s unreleased steam in your choux pastry after they’re done baking, they will only make your choux pastries turn soggy. Even worse, they might collapse!

Removing steam will also ensure that the exterior will sufficiently dry out, resulting in a crisp shell.

10. Cool the finished choux pastry in the oven.

We usually take baked goods out of the oven right away after they’re done baking. However, this is not the case with choux pastry!

Instead of on top of a cooling rack, cooling down your choux pastries in the oven is recommended.

Turn off the oven, open the oven door, and let the pastries cool in the oven.The remaining heat will further crisp them up without over-baking them.

This method will also prevent any sudden temperature change which will cause them to collapse. This is especially so if you’re baking in a very cold environment.

The Right Way to Bake Choux Pastry

Applying these tips when baking choux pastry will help you get the best results every time. If you've never tried baking choux pastry before, try this, a festive cream puff flavouravailable inour new Christmas collection!

Using the righttools is also important in achieving your desired results. Here are some bakeware we would recommend if you're attempting choux pastry.

1. Nonstick Cookie Sheet—Pipe your choux pastries on this nonstick cookie sheet to prevent your choux pastries from sticking to the pan. Get it here.

2. Spatula—A baking must-have, a strong, flexible spatula will help you mix in all the eggs, fold, and beat batters. Get it here.

3. Sieve—For sifting flours together to remove any clumps. Used in almost all baking recipes. Get it here.

4. Oven Thermometer—If there's anything more important in baking, it's getting the right temperature. This is especially so for delicate pastries such as choux pastries which are very susceptible to temperature changes and differences. Get your oven temperature right with a thermometer here.

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Also in Education

10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs (2024)


10 Tips To Making The Best Choux Pastry For Your Eclairs, Profiteroles and Cream Puffs? ›

Choux pastry must be baked well to ensure that the interior walls are dry. Even the slightest moisture will cause the shells to collapse when they are removed from the oven. I actually bake my choux pastry at a lower temperature for a prolonged period of time unlike many choux recipes. This surprisingly works.

What is the secret to a perfect choux pastry? ›

Choux pastry must be baked well to ensure that the interior walls are dry. Even the slightest moisture will cause the shells to collapse when they are removed from the oven. I actually bake my choux pastry at a lower temperature for a prolonged period of time unlike many choux recipes. This surprisingly works.

What 3 things do you look for to tell if your choux pastry is ready? ›

Your dough should be shiny and smooth.

You will know it's ready when the pastry has a consistency that slowly closes in on itself once the spoon has passed through. Your choux ball is ready when you have a skin at the bottom of the pan, which takes about 2-3 minutes on medium heat.

What is the most important ingredient in choux pastry? ›

The essential ingredients are butter, water, flour and eggs. Instead of a raising agent, choux pastry employs its high moisture content to create steam, as the water in the dough evaporates when baked, puffing the pastry.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when making choux pastry and how can they be prevented? ›

One reason is that you did not stir fry your dough long enough to dry up the excess moisture or you added too much eggs. Too much moisture causes the choux pastry to sink. The other important reason is your oven was not preheated enough. The oven must be very hot the moment you put your choux pastry dough in to bake.

Is choux pastry better with water or milk? ›

In many instances you can use one or the other in the same choux recipe without issue, though it can be useful to take advantage of a milk-based choux's enhanced browning when baking smaller pastries like chouquettes and éclairs, allowing you to achieve a good level of color development without risk of over-baking the ...

What is the texture of a successful choux pastry? ›

Choux has a very light texture with a golden, crisp exterior. It doesn't have much flavor, since it's meant to be filled with pastry cream or other fillings and topped with something sweet, like powdered sugar or ganache.

What are the qualities of a good choux pastry? ›

The choux buns should be golden brown and, what pastry chefs call, 'dry' on the inside. This effectively means the inside should feel moist but no moisture is to be seen. If they sink after baking this means there was still too much moisture inside and you will need a slightly longer baking time.

Why do profiteroles collapse? ›

Make sure the pastry is cooked properly as if it is taken out of the oven too early the steam inside the buns causes them to collapse and become soft and soggy. Once the choux is made it can be piped or spooned into shapes and then frozen in its raw state.

How to thicken choux pastry? ›

If the problem is the dough consistency, add flour one tablespoon at a time until the dough is no longer runny. After adding more flour, cook the dough over the stove for a couple of minutes to get rid of the flour taste.

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Shelf-life & Refeshing your Choux

You can keep the Choux in an airtight container for up to 3 days. They will feel soggy when you take them out so it's important to put them in a 175°C oven for about 5 minutes. That will dry and crisp them back up. ..But I suggest to use,the same day you make them, so much better.

What are some fun facts about choux pastry? ›

The high initial temperature in baking choux is what generates the steam to cause it to rise. The word choux in French means cabbage, and choux pastry gets its name from the fact that the little balls of choux paste used to make cream puffs resemble little cabbages.

Why do eclairs crack? ›

There are a few reasons why éclairs crack in the oven. The first is oven temperature; all ovens are unique, and some run hotter than others. If the oven is too hot, your eclairs will crack - try reducing the temperature by 10C next time.

Why are my profiteroles soggy? ›

Potential pitfall: Soggy or collapsed profiteroles

The choux pastry must set fully in the oven – the humidity trapped inside the hollow interiors will soften the crisp outer shell given half a chance. Once they are baked to a golden-brown, open the oven door to briefly release any steam.

What happens if you overmix choux pastry? ›

Second, it is important to cook the flour for a few minutes before adding the eggs. This will help to develop the gluten in the flour, which will give the dough its structure. Finally, it is important to not overmix the dough after the eggs are added. Overmixing can make the dough tough.

Why are my eclairs flat? ›

If you use extra-large eggs, you run the risk of adding too much moisture into your dough resulting in a flat and soggy eclair.

Why is my choux not puffing up? ›

If too much egg is added or if it is added too quickly, the Choux's ability to rise when baked will be affected. Similarly, if not enough egg is incorporated, it won't puff, causing it to be dense inside.

How do you stop choux pastry from going soft? ›

As soon as the choux pastry comes out of the oven they must be turned over and a hole put into the bases. They are left upside down and put in the oven for a further 5 mminutes. This helps the steam to escape and stops the buns becoming soggy.

What can go wrong with choux pastry? ›

If the puffs collapse it means there was too much moisture in them. So either you did not dry the dough enough, or they were not cooked enough. To avoid this I recommend drying the dough really well (see below) and cracking the door of the oven open when the choux are baked. My cream puffs are soft.

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