Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (2024)

Dijon mustard is praised to be one of the best mustards. If you are cooking a recipe that calls for Dijon Mustard and you donโ€™t have Dijon right now, you can use its substitutes. Using a Dijon Mustard Substitute in your recipe would not ruin it, but it will give the same texture and flavor to your dish/recipe. You have to know what is Dijon Mustard actually before using its substitutes. It will help you to choose the best Dijon Mustard substitute.

Table of Contents

What is Dijon Mustard?

Dijon Mustard is originated from Northeast France. Originally, it is made from unripe and unfermented grapes, but nowadays it is replaced by vinegar and mixed with mustard seeds to make Dijon. The use of white wine and brown mustard seeds make it different from other mustards. Both black and brown mustard seeds are more pungent than the regular yellow mustard seeds. People say that Dijon canโ€™t be smooth, it actually depends on person-to-person choice. Dijon can be both smooth as well as coarse.

Nutrient Profile of Dijon Mustard:

1 tablespoon of Dijon Mustard contains

  • Calories:6
  • Total Fat:0.35g
  • Total Carbohydrates:0.6g
  • Cholesterol:0mg
  • Sodium:150mg
  • Potassium:11mg
  • Fiber:0.3g
  • Protein:0.3g
  • Calcium:5mg
  • Iron:0.15mg
  • Vitamin C:0.2mg

Health Benefits of Dijon Mustard:

  • Dijon Mustard may improve cardiovascular health.
  • It treats aches and pains.
  • Dijon Mustard may low blood sugar level.
  • It also offers protection against infection.
  • Dijon may protect against contact dermatitis.

What can I Substitute for Dijon Mustard?

Are you looking for Dijon Mustard on your kitchen shelves? The absence of Dijon may make you disappointed. We know that your recipe canโ€™t be completed without Dijon. Thatโ€™s why we have other options too. You can choose any of them so that you can complete your recipe and serve it with your love. Here, we have a list of the best substitute for Dijon Mustard for you. Choose accordingly what your recipe demands and what you have right now. Itโ€™ll save you time from visiting multiple stores.

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1. Yellow Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (1)

This is the easiest sub for Dijon Mustard you ever found in your kitchen/pantry. Almost every household has yellow mustard. It has a more tart and sweet taste than Dijon. Yeah! definitely, itโ€™s not as hot or flavorful. What can we do then in case of not having the original ingredient? It would be a wise decision to choose Yellow Mustard as a great Dijon Mustard replacement.

2. Spicy Brown Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (2)

Spicy Brown Mustard has a nice texture, but itโ€™s not as smooth as Dijon. The rich spicy flavor comes out due to the soaking of the seeds in less vinegar than Dijon. Itโ€™s more powerful and aromatic than Dijon thatโ€™s why it gives the perfect kick to your recipe/dish. You can use it for recipes that call Dijon Mustard such as marinades, dressings, and topping bagels.

3. Honey Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (3)

Honey Mustard stands for its sweetness. Still, it maintains its tangy and sharp aroma. You can use Honey Mustard in a dip, dressing for salad, in marinades for salty meats, and in sauces for steamed and grilled veggies as well. Itโ€™s very easy to prepare at home, you just need honey and mustard in equal amounts.

4. Wasabi:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (4)

Wasabi has a lot of heat thatโ€™s why it should be used in a smaller amount as a Dijon substitute. It doesnโ€™t have the same creaminess as Dijon. You can replace Dijon with Wasabi maintaining its ratio of 1:2 where 1 refers to the Wasabi quantity and 2 refers to the Dijon quantity. If you love spicy food then you can take the same amount with a ratio of 1:1. Itโ€™s a great choice for sushi, meat, and deli sandwiches as well.

5. Dry Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (5)

Itโ€™s a DIY recipe. You just need dry mustard, mayonnaise, white wine vinegar, sugar, and water. You have to add these mustard seeds to white wine vinegar for a couple of days to get the perfect texture while making its paste. Now, add mayonnaise and sugar for some sweetness.

6. Turmeric Mustard with Chilli:

Turmeric Mustard is just to make a spicier version of Yellow Mustard. You can make it with a mixture of turmeric and peppers with 1-2 cloves of garlic. Once you have this spicy turmeric paste, you can use it as a Dijon Mustard replacement in your recipe/dish.

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7. Fresh Horseradish Root and Horseradish Sauce:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (6)

Horseradish is made up of the Horseradish plant. Some people like or dislike its taste. The tangy flavor of Horseradish makes it a good alternative to Dijon Mustard in a recipe. You can add some honey and sour cream to make it a better sauce and a rub for meat, lamb, and fish. The ratio depends on personal taste, but in starting, you can take 1/2 pound of the root and 1 tablespoon of sour cream and honey as well.

8. Whole Grain Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (7)

To make Whole Grain Mustard, the seeds are grounded to release their flavor not fully grounded to make a thick and coarse paste. The aroma is spicy but milder. You can use Whole Grain Mustard in recipes/dishes that call for Dijon Mustard such as dressings, dip, cooking meats, marinades, etc. to a little zingy taste and texture.

9. Mayonnaise:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (8)

Mayonnaise is creamy, sweet, and tangy. This is a perfect Dijon substitute for those who prefer a milder flavor than Dijon. You can use Mayonnaise in a dip, salad dressings, marinades, meats, and burgers.

10. Egg Yolk:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (9)

Egg Yolk is used in dressings to add a creamy thickness and also add a pale-yellow color almost similar to Dijon. Egg Yolk emulsifies these ingredients and creates a smoothness in salad dressing. One Egg Yolk is enough to substitute 2 tablespoons of Dijon Mustard.

11. Beer Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (10)

Sound weird! Yes, we are talking about Beer Mustard. Using beer instead of white wine or vinegar, make it an amazing replacement. The Beer Mustard you may find in a store is made of acidic beer that mimics the taste of vinegar. This is the reason Beer Mustard gives a tangy punch to a recipe/dish. Itโ€™s ideal for dip sauces and can be used for salad dressing and in sandwiches too.

12. Worcestershire Sauce:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (11)

Worcestershire Sauce is dark in color but has some acidic properties that give a tangy flavor. It is made from fermented molasses, vinegar, garlic, tamarind paste, anchovies, onions, and sugar. This sauce contains higher liquid content that may affect your resulting recipe. Using Worcestershire Sauce as a good sub for dijon mustard to marinade and cook meat would be a great option. Otherwise, it can be mixed with mayonnaise or yogurt in dishes that call for an ingredient thatโ€™s creamy in nature.

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13. Lecithin Powder:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (12)

Basically, Lecithin is a protein that helps to bind and emulsify oil and water. It is easily found in eggs. If you are looking for a vegan thickening agent for salad dressings or sauce, Lecithin Powder does its magic. It doesnโ€™t contain much flavor, youโ€™ll need to spice it up with other things.

14. Stone Ground Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (13)

Stone Ground Mustard is also made from brown mustard seeds. Non-well-grounded seeds or whole seeds donโ€™t release the exact spicy flavor thatโ€™s why Stone Ground Mustard is milder than Dijon Mustard. It is perfect for dressings and marinades so you can use the same ratio of 1:1.

15. German Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (14)

German Mustard is made from brown mustard seeds, vinegar, and spices. So, it can be spicer than Dijon Mustard. German Mustard is ideal for meats, sausages, wursts, hotdogs, and baked pretzels.

16. Hot English Mustard:

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (15)

Hot English Mustard is made from black, white, and brown mustard seeds. It lies between Yellow and Dijon Mustard. This mustard has a lot of hotness that comes with a nice aroma. It works pretty well with roasted meat and sandwiches as well as sauces and gravies too.


What is the difference between Dijon Mustard and Regular Mustard?

The main difference you can see is the color of both mustards. Regular Mustard is bright yellow in color and Dijon Mustard is less vibrant in color. When it comes to their taste, yellow mustard has a milder taste compared to the French one. Whereas Dijon definitely has a more complex flavor than yellow mustard.

Is Dijon Mustard healthier than Yellow Mustard?

There is no difference between Dijon Mustard and Yellow Mustard in terms of health. So, both are equally healthy to eat. The only difference that makes them a little bit different from each other is the sodium quantity. The sodium quantity in yellow mustard is less than the Dijon.

Now, you know the best Dijon Mustard Substitute. You can choose according to what you have in the kitchen or you can also buy from amazon. Please! comment down below your questions, and let us know how much informative is this article for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe (2024)


Top 16 ๐Ÿ˜ Best Substitute for Dijon Mustard in a Cooking Recipe? โ€บ

One of the best substitutes for dijon mustard is stone-ground mustard. This is because stone-ground mustard is made from brown mustard seeds. You might notice it's milder than dijon mustard, but it's a safe bet when you need an alternate option.

What can I use to replace Dijon mustard in a recipe? โ€บ

One of the best substitutes for dijon mustard is stone-ground mustard. This is because stone-ground mustard is made from brown mustard seeds. You might notice it's milder than dijon mustard, but it's a safe bet when you need an alternate option.

What is a substitute for Dijon mustard in beef stroganoff? โ€บ

You can also replace the dijon with 1 tsp mustard powder. Worcestershire sauce โ€“ Use more or less if you'd like. Sour cream โ€“ Regular over reduced fat works best to avoid the sour cream breaking in the sauce. Plain Greek yogurt can be used instead.

What is Dijon mustard the same as? โ€บ

Yellow mustard is typically a bright yellow. Dijon mustard, meanwhile, is a less vibrant shade of yellow tinged with brown. Flavor and Ingredients: Yellow mustard, which is made of powdered yellow mustard seeds, a spice blend, and vinegar (or even water), has a milder taste compared to its French counterpart.

Why is Dijon mustard used in so many recipes? โ€บ

It Boosts Marinades and Glazes

It will add a bit of acidity and brightness, not to mention the vinegar in the mustard will help tenderize tougher cuts of meat. Dijon can also add some briney flavor to otherwise sweet glazes for holiday hams or turkey.

What is a substitute for Dijon mustard if you are allergic to mustard? โ€บ

Mayonnaise. Sweet and tangy but with a more mild flavor profile, mayonnaise makes for a great Dijon mustard substitute.

What does Dijon mustard taste like? โ€บ

What Does It Taste Like? Dijon mustard has a tangy, sharp, and strong flavor with a bit of spice. The commercial recipes made today use an ingredient with a low acidity level in the mustard, which allows the potency of the mustard seeds to shine through.

What mustard is closest to Dijon? โ€บ

Stone Ground Mustard

Stone-ground mustard is the perfect substitute for Dijon in terms of similar taste and texture. It is made from brown and black mustard seeds as well but the seeds are only partially ground.

Can I use Worcestershire sauce instead of Dijon mustard? โ€บ

Worcestershire has a similar flavor profile as Dijon mustard, so it can work in a pinch. It's more liquid than Dijon's creaminess, so be prepared to adjust other liquids in the recipe as needed. We recommend you start with a ยฝ :1 swap of Worcestershire sauce to Dijon.

Can you use regular mustard instead of Dijon in a vinaigrette? โ€บ

Ingredients Needed to Make Mustard Vinaigrette

White wine vinegar โ€“ You could also sub champagne vinegar. Mustard โ€“ Just your regular yellow mustard will do, or you could use whole-grain or Dijon mustard.

Is Grey Poupon the same as Dijon mustard? โ€บ

The most common variety of Dijon โ€” which originally came from the same-named region in France โ€” is Grey Poupon. The mustard seeds used to make Dijon are usually finely ground, making the texture smooth, rather than coarse.

Why is there no Dijon mustard? โ€บ

Rather than the brown seeds required for Dijon, Ukraine predominantly produces the white variety used in yellow and English mustard. Given the conflict, producers less tied to specific mustard varieties turned to Canada's already meagre supply, intensifying the shortage.

Is Dijon mustard just brown mustard? โ€บ

There's one more obvious way of telling brown and Dijon mustard apart: the two condiments have different consistencies. Brown mustard contains partially whole grains, which makes it coarser, and gives it a similar feel to whole-grain mustard. Dijon mustard, on the other hand, is smooth and creamy like yellow mustard.

What is the best Dijon mustard substitute? โ€บ

Pros and Cons
Stone-ground MustardMilder flavor, good for sandwiches and salads.
Yellow MustardVinegary and tangy, inexpensive and easy to find.
Spicy Brown MustardHot, peppery flavor, great for robust dishes like grilled meats.
Honey MustardSweeter alternative, pairs well with roast chicken or pork.
May 8, 2023

Which is stronger Dijon or English mustard? โ€บ

Yes, English mustard is significantly hotter than French mustard, or Dijon mustard, as it is sometimes known. French mustard has quite a mild taste in comparison to English mustard with a slight tangy flavour due to the use of the acidic juice from unripe grapes.

Can you swap Dijon mustard for English? โ€บ

It can be more difficult to find English mustard outside the UK, in which case Dijon mustard would be the closest alternative, though it has a milder flavour. If you wanted something a bit more assertive then we suspect that ready-made wasabi paste could also be used as an alternative.

Is Dijon mustard the same as whole mustard? โ€บ

The main difference is the texture. That's about it. Dijon mustard is much smoother and more uniform than whole grain mustard. It is made with brown mustard seeds that are ground to be completely smooth and usually mixed with white wine.

What is a good substitute for spicy brown mustard? โ€บ

Horseradish stands out as a fitting replacement due to its related plant family and comparable heat level, making it a useful option for those looking to replicate the kick that spicy brown mustard provides.

What is a tablespoon of dry mustard substitute? โ€บ

Dijon mustard is the best substitute for ground mustard because they are similar in flavor. Use one tablespoon for each teaspoon of ground mustard whenever you're in a pinch and need a replacement. A second option you can use is turmeric. Turmeric has a similar color and taste to dry mustard but won't be as spicy.

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