Razor Edge Pitbull (2024)

You may have heard about the Razor Edge Pitbull’s friendly and laidback nature. They are often advertised as having great people skills and a gentle demeanor, which makes them very promising to some dog owners.

Despite using the word “Pitbull” in their name, these dogs are not purebred Pitbulls. Instead, they are a mix between an American Pit Bull Terrier and various other breeds. While they are technically a mixed breed, they are not simply a cross between two different breeds. This line of Pitbulls has been bred for quite a while with “official” bloodlines.

Someone cannot simply mix an American Pit Bull Terrier with a Mastiff and call it a Razor Edge Pitbull. They must come from a specific bloodline. Therefore, these dogs are typically only found with professional breeders. They aren’t your average Pitbull.

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Razor Edge Pitbull (1)


The Razor Edge Pitbull is the result of mixing the Pitbull with several other breeds. However, this was done in the past. Unlike other mixed breeds, these dogs have been developed enough to reduce much of the randomness that commonly comes with mixed breeds. Therefore, all of these dogs come with similar physical traits.

These dogs look very similar to Pitbulls. However, they have a different body type. They tend to be a bit larger than most Pitbulls, as they were initially bred to be big Pitbulls. They have been crossed with English Bulldogs and Mastiffs. They typically have more of a stoat stance and maybe a bit bulkier than a regular Pitbull.

Unlike regular Pitbulls, this line has been exceptionally bred to produce mostly blue or blue brindlecoats colors. They are sometimes called Blue Razor Edge Pitbulls for this reason. They don’t usually come in the wide variety of colors that other Pitbull lines come in. With that said, some breeders do specialize in other colors such as black and white or blue fawn.

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Razor Edge Pitbulls were bred with more giant heads and chests thanks to the English Bulldogs in their bloodline. In addition, their legs are often compact, and they have shorter backs than a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier.

These dogs come in several varieties. The standard variety usually stands at 16 to 20 inches, which males being larger than females. The XL variant is larger, with dogs standing at 19 to 22 inches.

The classical variant has a lighter frame and looks more similar to the original Pitbull. They do not have extravagated features that are found in other breeds. The American Pit Bull Terrier lineage is more apparent in this particular variant.

Other variants may be sold by breeders such as the XXL. However, these are not recognized by the current kennel clubs that recognize this breed. However, because the AKC doesn’t recognize this breed to begin with, most breeders don’t particularly care that they aren’t recognized and continue to produce them.

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The history of this breed is a bit confusing. The Razor Edge Pitbull started as a regular Pitbull. However, the line was then crossed with a variety of other breeds. It is generally believed that there were at least five breeds mixed to create the Razor Edge Pitbull. But we don’t know exactly what breeds were used. The American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Mastiff, and English Bulldog were likely used at the very least according to the UKC breed standard.

The crossing of these breeds led to the dog having a more bully-like appearance. They are often very stocky and well-muscled. The temperament has been fine-tuned as well. The American Pit Bull Terrier is extremely friendly and often very good with children.

However, some of the other bully breeds used are a bit more aloof, like the Mastiff. Combining these breeds carefully in this manner has led to a bully breed that is quite friendly and people-oriented.

The creation of this breed started in the 1980s, but the appearance and temperament being aimed for were not completely developed until the 1990s. Since then, this breed has been developed a bit. Eventually, this breed became so unique that it is now primarily considered its own breed.

The American Bully Kennel Club was founded in 2004 and was the first kennel club to recognize this breed. It initially acted as a source to document pedigrees, allowing a dog to be “proven” as a Razor Edge Pitbull. Therefore, this dog isn’t a mixed breed but descended from other Razor Edge Pitbulls. The club also provided the dog with a written standard, which can be accessed their the ABKC website.

There are many different variants of the American Pit Bull Terrier, some closely resembling this breed. However, the difference between this breed and other bully-type breeds is that they were specifically bred for a lower prey drive and more “bully” characteristics. Therefore, their traits are unique, though they do resemble some other breeds.

Because this breed is newer, it is still undergoing a lot of changes. However, it isn’t an ancient breed by any means and is developing the American Pit Bull Terrier into a dog with more bully characteristics.

Personality and Temperament

Because these dogs have a lot of American Pit Bull Terrier DNA, they have a similar personality. They are extremely friendly and people-oriented. However, despite some misconceptions, they do not make good guard dogs in the least. They are much too friendly and are not known for aggressive behaviors. They are much more likely to lick an intruder than bite them.

They can make good alert dogs, though. They are pretty alert and can be noisy. Many will bark at just about anyone who walks by. This isn’t caused by aggression. They simply are excited to meet someone new. They are a bit similar to other terriers in this way.

Their larger size and patient nature make them great with children. They can easily put up with quite a bit of attention from a hyper child and typically don’t get stressed out by toddlers and other children. In addition, their larger size and sturdy nature mean that it is doubtful that a child can hurt them, which lowers the chance of fear-based biting.

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The Razor Edge Pitbull is a happy dog with a zest for life. They are generally thrilled and excitable all the time. It is hard to be in a bad mood when the smallest things make this dog delighted. They have an exuberance for life that is hard to find elsewhere.

These dogs are also somewhat athletic. While they were built to be family dogs, many of the breeds used to create the Razor Edge Pitbull were made to work. Therefore, this dog does best when given some sort of job to do. Typically, they are great at competing in just about any dog competition. In addition, they are often easy to train and listen well to their owners.

They are not street-smart in the least. Even the smallest, exciting thing can make them run into oncoming traffic or run for miles until they become lost. For this reason, they should only be kept in a securely fenced-in area. Some are pretty good at climbing fences, so a smooth, tall fence is often required. Even though these dogs might look tough, they do not do well whenleft outside in the cold: You should definitely let your Pitbull come inside in the winter or inclement weather.

Aggressive behavior towards humansis highly undesirable in the breed and quickly bred out. Aggressive dogs are taken out of the breeding stock and disqualified from dog shows. Therefore, aggression disappeared from the breed generations ago.

Razor Edge Pitbull (5)

Training and exercise needs of a Razor Edge Pitbull

The Razor Edge Pitbull is usually pretty easy to train. They are not known for being stubborn or anything of that sort. Their people-oriented nature means that they are often happy to please. They are moderately intelligent, so they can pick up new commands with some ease. Generally, these dogs are straightforward for experienced dog owners to change.

If you are new to dog ownership, we do recommend taking these dogs to obedience classes. These classes help you learn how to train them efficiently, which will help prevent frustration on both sides.

They do have “selective hearing” in some situations. They are known for being a bit overexcited at times and ignoring commands. This fact is especially true when new people and other dogs are involved. They can’t be allowed off-leash for this reason. It wouldn’t be odd for them to run off in search of new friends.

You should know your dog’s limitations, especially when they become overexcited. These dogs are pretty intelligent, but their overly friendly nature can get the best of them. Please don’t put your dog in a situation where they won’t be able to listen.

Many owners struggle with their Pitbull’s destructiveness. These dogs have big jaws and they love to chew. Be prepared to offer your Razor Edge Pitbull plenty of chew items. When he is unsupervised (especially during the puppy stage), you should keep him in a puppy-proof room or acrate specifically for Pitbulls.

These canines are pretty athletic. However,they do not require much exercise. They are often called “40 mph couch-potatoes.” They can go very fast and hard for a time, but their endurance isn’t what you would expect. They are quick to wear out. Many of them will be done playing after 15 to 20 minutes. They may play hard, but they don’t play for very long.

Two short to moderate walks every day is plenty for these dogs. You may also switch out these walking sessions with playtime in a fenced-in backyard if you wish. Their people-oriented nature means that they love doing just about anything as long as they are next to their people. These dogs are very good with children for this reason. They will happily run around and play just about anything.

While these dogs aren’t brilliant, some mental stimulation is recommended. Their alert, exuberant nature can lead to some problem behaviors if they are not worn out. Excessive barking and digging can occur as these dogs attempt to find something fun to do. Therefore, we recommend training sessions to keep your dog well-behaved and worn out. Puzzle toys and simple games are also a great way to exercise this dog’s mind.

Health and care

This dog is relatively healthy. Because they result from mixing many gene pools, some genetic conditions are less likely to occur. However, because their breed has been pedigreed for a while, some conditions have had the chance to rise to prominence. This is bound to happen any time you continually mix the same population of dogs.

It makes the gene pool smaller and increases the likelihood of dogs with the same unhealthy gene breeding.

There is no overlying health organization that recommends health testing for this breed. Therefore, the only health testing generally done on the parents is what each particular breeder decides on. This can vary widely from kennel to kennel, so we recommend asking breeders about the specific details of their health testing.

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Health testing is essential to eliminating and preventing health problems. You don’t want to breed two dogs with bad hips together, as their puppies will end up with even worse hips, for instance. However, many conditions do not show apparent symptoms until later in the dog’s life. Therefore, the only way to determine which genetic conditions a dog might be carrying is to check for them before breeding.

Not all breeders do this, which leads to genetic problems being passed onto the puppies.

Generally, it is recommended that Razor Edge Pitbull breeders test their dogs for at least these conditions before breeding:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Cone-Rod Dystrophy 1
  • Ichthyosis

Common health issues

While this breed is healthier than most breeds, they are prone to a few different health conditions. Some of these conditions can be prevented with the correct health screenings, but some cannot. For this reason, it is essential to be aware of what health conditions could potentially affect a Razor Edge Pitbull puppy that you adopt.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a fairly common problem in dogs. Many different breeds are affected by it. Most of these breeds are larger and heavier – a category that the Razor Edge Pitbull fits into.

Hip dysplasia is a malformity that occurs while the hip is growing. For one reason or another, the ball and socket do not grow at the same place. This makes the hip unable to fit together correctly, which causes excessive wear.

This condition does have a genetic component. However, environmental factors can also play a role. Often, overfeeding a puppy can make them grow at an odd rate, which can mess with the growth in their hips. Therefore, it is imperative to stick to the feeding guidelines when caring for puppies.

Typically, the symptoms are relatively similar to arthritis. The dog may be reluctant to move their hip and may seem less than solid upon standing. They may be a bit shaky and even limp on some occasions. They are often in pain, but this can be difficult to determine on many dogs.

Lameness is possible in extreme cases.

Treatment is usually similar to arthritis treatment. Sometimes, surgery is required to correct the hip. This surgery can be expensive to the tune of $4,000 per hip.

Razor Edge Pitbull (7)

Elbow Dysplasia

Elbow dysplasia is similar to hip dysplasia, except it affects the dog’s elbow. It seems to be less common than hip dysplasia, but it can be just as troublesome. The elbow joint is made up of three different bones. If one of these bones does not fit properly, then problems are bound to happen. This condition can be caused due to genetics and abnormal growth.

This disease is considered genetic, but diet and other environmental factors do play a role. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid overexercising and overfeeding puppies.

Usually, symptoms will include pain and lameness in one of the front legs that progressively gets worse. Unfortunately, this is a progressive disease, so it will continue to worsen over time if it is not treated. Sometimes, both legs can be affected, which means that both will require treatment.

In many cases, surgery is required to treat this condition. However, mild occurrences may only need medication and joint supplements.

Brachycephalic Respiratory Syndrome

Brachycephalic Respiratory Syndrome is a condition that affects dogs with shorter muzzles. While these dogs are often described as “cute,” the shorter muzzle often results in many problems. The breathing passages of these dogs are often not the correct size, which leads to difficulty breathing.

Usually, dogs with this condition will snort and breathe noisily. This noisy breathing is due to their inability to breathe correctly. As a result, affected dogs will experience exercise intolerance. After all, they cannot breathe heavily as is necessary during exercise.

They are more sensitive to anything that affects their breathing. These factors include heat, humidity, excitement, and any activity. As a result, they will often sleep on their backs, as this position is often the easiest to breathe in.

While these complications can sometimes be avoided by monitoring only, surgery is sometimes provided. Usually, this involves removing some of the dog’s soft palate, making their breathing passage larger.

Eye Conditions

These dogs are affected by a variety of different eye conditions. Cherry eye, ectropion, and entropion are also possible. These conditions are prevalent if the dog has a shortened muzzle, which often causes their eyes to bulge a bit. This can increase the odds of eye injuries, such as corneal wounds and other cuts.

Cherry eye is a primarily benign disease that involves the third eyelid popping out underneath a dog’s eye. Simple surgery is all that is typically required to repair it. For the most part, this is only an aesthetic problem. However, this condition is genetic, so both eyes are usually affected over time.

Entropion occurs when the eyelids roll inwards. The most significant issue with this is that the hair on the eyelid’s surface will irritate the eyes, resulting in pain and eventual damage. This condition is often genetic, but trauma and chronic squinting can cause it as well.

Cone-Rod Dystrophy 1

This condition explicitly affects the American Pit Bull Terrier. It is entirely genetic and causes retinal degeneration at an early age, which quickly results in complete blindness. Visual impairment is usually apparent before the dog’s first birthday. However, blindness can sometimes be difficult to notice in dogs, as many canines act completely fine until they are put in a new environment.

This disease is recessive, so both parents must be carriers for it to pass onto their puppies. Carriers are entirely asymptomatic, so it is easy to breed them together unless the proper health testing is performed. Two healthy dogs who happen to be carriers will produce a litter containing a decent number of affected puppies.

Tests are as cheap as $50, so there is little reason for breeders not to test their dogs before breeding.

Razor Edge Pitbull (8)


These dogs do not require much grooming due to their smooth and short coat. Typically, they only require a weekly brushing session using a slicker brush, which should remove much of their dead hair. Brushing will also remove dirt and debris that may have built up in the coat, helping it stay cleaner for longer. Many brushes are also designed to spread around a dog’s natural oils. These are important for your dog’s skin and coat health. Many natural oils are also dirt-repellent, so they will prevent your canine from becoming dirty in the future.

Beyond this, most Razor Edge Pitbulls will not need a significant amount of grooming. We recommend starting at a young age to get the dog used to the brushing sessions. This will prevent many headaches later on, even if you do end up unnecessarily brushing a puppy.

Like all dogs, you should also keep your dog’s teeth clean. While they are not particularly prone to periodontal disease, all dogs can develop teeth problems if they are not cleaned and brushed. We recommend brushing their teeth at least twice or three times a week. The more often, the better.

You should also keep an eye on their ears. Dirt and debris can cause severe problems for a dog’s ears and eventually lead to ear infections. The Razor Edge Pitbull isn’t prone to ear infections, but you should clean their ears with a damp cotton ball anyway if you notice any dirt.

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Adopting a Razor Edge Pitbull

The only place you can usually find these dogs is from a breeder. They are a newer breed that was carefully developed by several kennels. Therefore, the only dogs of this bloodline that exist are descended from those few kennels. Most of these dogs are either sterilized and owned as companions or kept by breeders. They don’t tend to show up at rescues or local animal shelters. There simply aren’t enough of them.

Furthermore, it can be difficult to tell the Razor Edge Pitbull from other bully breeds, so rescues and animal shelters will often incorrectly label them. Therefore, your dog is probably not a Razor Edge Pitbull unless it comes with papers and a pedigree.

There are quite a few breeders that specialize in this breed. However, because of their rarity and the amount of careful breeding involved, these dogs can often cost anywhere from $7,000 to $10,000. Some breeders may sell dogs for as much as $35,000. Therefore, you should plan on paying quite a bit for these dogs, especially if you’re planning on getting a specific gender or coloration.

Experience level for owning a Razor Edge Pitbull

These dogs were designed to be companion animals, so they usually aren’t that much to handle. In addition, most were bred with the average owner in mind, including new owners. Therefore, most new owners do great with this breed as long as they know what they’re getting into.

We recommend puppy classes for new owners, as this will help you get a jump-start on your dog’s training. Purchasing from a breeder is necessary so that your puppy is as healthy and socialized as possible. The last thing a new owner needs to deal with is behavioral or health problems.

Reading a few books regarding dog behavior is also recommended. Going to an obedience class will cover this somewhat, but you should have plenty of time to read a few books before you bring your new puppy home as well.

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The bottom line

The Razor Edge Pitbull is a newer breed that has a bit of confusion surrounding it. However, despite some misconceptions, they are not a mixed breed or simply a bloodline of Pitbulls. Instead, they have developed into a unique breed in their own right.

The UKC currently recognizes them as the American Bully, though many breeders still sell them as Razor Edge Pitbulls. The term comes from the original kennel that developed the breed – Razor’s Edge. Today, both terms are interchangeable, though some breeders only use the term “Razor Edge Pitbull” if the dog can be traced back to this specific kennel.

Overall, this breed is quite friendly and makes a great companion animal. Their prey-drive has largely been eliminated, and they are sturdy enough for most children. Therefore, they can make an excellent breed for a first-time owner as long as they are adequately trained.

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Author: Kristin

Kristin was born in Tennessee and currently lives there with her husband and children. She is passionate about educating pet parents and helping them make the best possible decisions for their pets. She currently owns one dog, two cats, a lizard, and a variety of fish.

Razor Edge Pitbull (2024)
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