Ackee Fruit Toxicity (2024)

Continuing Education Activity

Ingestion of unripe Ackee fruit may result in the metabolic syndrome known as "Jamaican vomiting sickness." Clinical manifestations may include profuse vomiting, altered mental status, and hypoglycemia. Severe cases have been reported to cause seizures, hypothermia, coma, and death. Medical treatment is primarily supportive care with intravenous fluids and dextrose. This activity reviews the evaluation and management of ackee fruit toxicity and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in providing optimal care to patients affected by this condition.


  • Explain how hypoglycin A, the major toxin in ackee fruit, leads to glycogen storage depletion and hypoglycemia.

  • Describe how the presentation of ackee fruit toxicity differs from that of acute gastrointestinal infections.

  • Describe the evaluation and management of patients with ackee fruit toxicity.

  • Identify interprofessional team strategies for improving recognition and management of patients with ackee fruit toxicity.

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Ingestion of the unripened Ackee fruit (Blighia sapida)may result in the metabolic syndrome known as "Jamaican vomiting sickness." Clinical manifestations may include profuse vomiting, altered mental status, and hypoglycemia. Severe cases have been reported to cause seizures, hypothermia, coma, and death. Medical treatment is primarily supportive care with intravenous fluids and dextrose.[1][2]


The ackee fruit matures into three sections, each consisting of a large black seed and a fleshy yellow aril. The aril, the edible portion of the fruit, initially contains high levels of the toxin hypoglycin. However, over time, as the fruit ripens, the hypoglycin levels drop to ranges allowing for safe human consumption. Toxicity only occurs with ingestion of the unripe Ackee fruit. Differentiating ripe versus unripe Ackee fruit is necessary to prevent any potential adverse health effects. Ripe Ackee fruit may be identified by a yellow-red to red color and wide-open appearance (seeds easily visible). Unripe fruit is green to yellow and has a closed appearance (seeds are difficult to visualize). Cooking an unripe fruit does not reduce its potential for toxicity. The seeds remain toxic and should not be ingested. Risk factors for Ackee fruit toxicity include eating an unripe Ackee, purchasing tampered Ackee, or the reusing of water that has been previously used to cook unripe ackee.[3][4]


The Blighia sapida tree is native to West Africa. In 1778, it was imported to Jamaica where it has remained the national fruit of the country and an essential part of the Jamaican diet. The epidemiology of the disease has not been well established in Jamaica, but mortality and morbidity are thought to be underreported. There are more cases of the illness during the Jamaican winter months when the fruit is not yet ripe. Blighia sapida also is found in southern Florida, several Caribbean countries, and Central America. Ackee imported into the United States is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to limit products containing dangerous amounts of the toxin, hypoglycin A. Only a few cases of toxicity have been reported within the United States. Pediatric patients and the malnourished are at the greatest risk for toxicity.[5]


The ackee fruit contains both hypoglycin A and hypoglycin B. Hypoglycin A is the toxin primarily responsible for causing Jamaican vomiting sickness. The exact mechanism of hypoglycin A is not known; however, hypoglycemia most likely results from the inhibition of gluconeogenesis. Metabolism of hypoglycin also produces a toxic byproduct, methylene cyclopropyl acetic acid (MCPA-CoA) which inhibits long-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation, resulting in glycogen store depletion. It is impossible to predict what patients will develop symptoms following ingestion as the minimum toxic dose is not currently known. Hypoglycin may be hepatoxic, with liver pathology resembling a Reyes Syndrome-like pattern. Chronic ackee fruit ingestion has been reported to cause cholestatic jaundice among adults.[6]


The onset of hypoglycemia is delayed for a few hours, but once present rapidly progresses. Deaths have been reported within 12 to 48 hours.

History and Physical

Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms typically develop within six to 48 hours of ingesting of an unripe Ackee fruit, although they may develop more rapidly in severe cases. An apparent period of recovery (approximately 10 hours) may follow the initial GI symptoms. It is important to note that while vomiting is common, an absence of vomiting does not rule out the diagnosis. Diarrhea is usually absent which may help differentiate Jamaican vomiting sickness from other acute GI infections. Seizures may be a predictor of disease severity as they were present in 85% of reported fatal cases. Other neurological manifestations may include altered mental status, tremors, and paresthesias. A thorough history of the patient's recent meals may be necessary to identify recent Ackee fruit ingestion accurately. Toxicity is dose-dependent; therefore, it is important to quantify the amount ingested. If recovery occurs, it happens within one week of ingestion.


Patients with clinical suspicion for Jamaican vomiting sickness should be evaluated in a hospital and admitted for observation. Intravenous access should be obtained to administer fluids and dextrose if needed. Diagnostic evaluation should include blood glucose, serum electrolytes, liver function tests, renal function, lactate, ketones, and blood gasses. Symptomatic patients will require close monitoring of laboratory tests, especially glucose and serum electrolytes. An early ECG may show evidence of electrolyte abnormalities before laboratory diagnostic results. Hypoglycin and its metabolite MCPA may be tested for in blood and urine; however, they may be undetectable secondary to rapid elimination. Other diagnostic tests that help confirm the diagnosis include elevated serum/urine carnitine concentrations and elevated concentrations of urinary dicarboxylic acid.

Treatment / Management

Treatment is primarily supportive as no current antidote for hypoglycin A exists. Patients require close monitoring for hypoglycemia and should be treated with dextrose. Boluses of dextrose may be given initially followed by an infusion which may be titrated to maintain euglycemia. Intravenous fluids should be provided to prevent dehydration and antiemetics from alleviating symptoms. Vomiting and dehydration may lead to electrolyte abnormalities which should be repleted. Benzodiazepines may be used for the treatment of seizures, but again it is prudent to rule out hypoglycemia as the cause of the seizures. GI decontamination, including activated charcoal and gastric lavage, may be considered if there is a concern for potential toxicity if the patient presents within a few hours of ingestion. There is not sufficient evidence to suggest GI decontamination consistently improves patient outcomes. There is no role for syrup of ipecac following acute ingestions. Riboflavin and glycine have been used for treatment as they are thought to antagonize hypoglycin A. Methylene blue has also been proposed as a treatment option for potentially fatal encephalopathy. The true efficacy of these supplements is unknown. A medical toxicologist may assist in providing management and may be reached through the local Poison Control Center. Patients with persistent hypoglycemia, seizures, metabolic acidosis, altered mental status, or poor perfusion will most likely require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). Education focusing on the health hazards of eating unripe Ackee fruits may decrease the future incidence of the disease.[7]

Differential Diagnosis

  • Acute poisoning (general)

  • Aspirin poisoning

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Influenza

  • Intestinal obstruction

  • Meningitis

  • Sulfonylurea poisoning

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Health care providers, especially those who work in the emergency department, awareness of the potential toxicity of unripe ackee fruit, especially in the United States, is necessary for early diagnosis and timely management. Public health education on the proper preparation of Ackee fruit may decrease rates of toxicity in areas where it is endemic.

The nursing staff should identify patients exposed in triage and communicate with the clinical emergency department staff so that clinical pharmacy and physician toxicologists can be quickly consulted. Once a working diagnosis is established, the interprofessional team of clinicians and nurses must communicate to assure that appropriate support is rendered quickly. The nurses must monitor the patient for changes in vital signs and immediately report to the clinical team so that adjustments in care can be initiated. [Level V]

The nurses and clinicians including physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians must work towards educating patients and the dangers of consuming Ackee fruit. Making sure children and adults avoid exposure is the safest is the best approach to avoiding morbidity and mortality.



Sanford AA, Isenberg SL, Carter MD, Mojica MA, Mathews TP, Laughlin S, Thomas JD, Pirkle JL, Johnson RC. Quantification of hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropylglycine in human plasma by HPLC-MS/MS. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2018 Sep 15;1095:112-118. [PMC free article: PMC6110963] [PubMed: 30056267]


Katibi OS, Olaosebikan R, Abdulkadir MB, Ogunkunle TO, Ibraheem RM, Murtala R. Ackee Fruit Poisoning in Eight Siblings: Implications for Public Health Awareness. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Nov;93(5):1122-3. [PMC free article: PMC4703256] [PubMed: 26324727]


Grunes DE, Scordi-Bello I, Suh M, Florman S, Yao J, Fiel MI, Thung SN. Fulminant hepatic failure attributed to ackee fruit ingestion in a patient with sickle cell trait. Case Rep Transplant. 2012;2012:739238. [PMC free article: PMC3504255] [PubMed: 23259140]


Barceloux DG. Akee fruit and Jamaican vomiting sickness (Blighia sapida Köenig). Dis Mon. 2009 Jun;55(6):318-26. [PubMed: 19446675]


FOX HC, MILLER DS. Ackee toxin: a riboflavin antimetabolite? Nature. 1960 May 14;186:561-2. [PubMed: 13824246]


Isenberg SL, Carter MD, Graham LA, Mathews TP, Johnson D, Thomas JD, Pirkle JL, Johnson RC. Quantification of metabolites for assessing human exposure to soapberry toxins hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropylglycine. Chem Res Toxicol. 2015 Sep 21;28(9):1753-9. [PMC free article: PMC4592145] [PubMed: 26328472]


Golden KD, Kean EA, Terry SI. Jamaican vomiting sickness: a study of two adult cases. Clin Chim Acta. 1984 Oct 15;142(3):293-8. [PubMed: 6488562]

Disclosure: Ryan Surmaitis declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Richard Hamilton declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Ackee Fruit Toxicity (2024)


How long does it take for ackee to poison you? ›

Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms typically develop within six to 48 hours of ingesting of an unripe Ackee fruit, although they may develop more rapidly in severe cases. An apparent period of recovery (approximately 10 hours) may follow the initial GI symptoms.

Is it safe to eat ackee fruit? ›

The edible part of a fully ripe, properly processed ackee fruit is safe to eat. Unripe fruit, and the rind and seeds of ripe fruit, are never safe to eat because they can contain dangerous amounts of hypoglycin A. People who eat unsafe levels of hypoglycin A may have no symptoms or mild symptoms, such as vomiting.

What does ackee do to your body? ›

The ackee fruit is also rich in vitamin A, an antioxidant that may help fight free radical damage and inflammation. Vitamin A also supports the immune system, is good for skin and eye health and also promotes cell growth. Another antioxidant that ackee contains is vitamin C.

What is ackee fruit intoxication? ›

A rare disorder due to poisoning caused by the ingestion of unripe Blighia sapida fruits, clinically characterized by toxic hypoglycaemia and inhibition of neoglucogenesis. Synonym(s): Acute intoxication by Blighia sapida.

Why is ackee banned in america? ›

The unripe ackee fruit contains poisonous chemicals that can cause dangerously low blood sugar, liver damage, and death. Most ackee products have been banned from import into the US due to concerns about poisoning from the unripe fruit.

Does ackee affect blood pressure? ›

A diet that includes ackee can help to to lower blood pressure, boost energy levels, support healing and growth, aid in digestion, protect against diabetes, lower cholesterol, build strong bones, improve the immune system, and increase circulation.

Why do Jamaicans eat ackee? ›

Ackee is loaded with fibre, protein and vitamin C. In Jamaica's brutal slave society, the foodstuffs made a cheap and nutritious repast for enslaved people on the country's hot, humid sugar plantations.

Is canned ackee already cooked? ›

Canned ackee is already cooked and is stored in a brine, so be sure to rinse and drain it before using in your recipe. Ackee has a tendency to mash up easily because it's so delicate, so be very careful when you're mixing it into your recipe otherwise you'll lose presentation points!

Does ackee affect your prostate? ›

The health care professional further noted that there is no link between men eating ackee, a tropical fruit, and the risk of men developing prostate cancer. “Some people think that if they eat a lot ackees, they are at risk of developing prostate cancer. Ackee is a vegetable fat, so it's not animal fat.

Is ackee bad for high cholesterol? ›

In addition to its crucial role in cardiovascular health, ackee fruit is also noted for having zero cholesterol content and lowering blood cholesterol levels. The linoleic and stearic acids it contains are beneficial.

Can diabetics eat ackee? ›

Interactions. Hypoglycemia caused by ackee ingestion may be masked in patients taking beta-blockers because of their ability to suppress epinephrine-mediated warning signs of imminent hypoglycemia; use should be monitored in individuals with diabetes.

Is ackee anti inflammatory? ›

Anti-Inflammatory properties:

Further, some studies have suggested that ackee contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation usually occurs when the body encounters offending agents like germs or foreign agents and may present as swelling, redness or pain.

How do you know an ackee is safe to eat? ›

The ripe fruit of ackee is LIKELY SAFE when eaten as a food. The unripe fruit of ackee is UNSAFE to eat, even if it has been cooked. Additionally, the water used to cook the unripe fruit can be poisonous. The unripe fruit contains poisonous chemicals that can harm the liver.

Do Africans eat ackee? ›

Although the fruit is native to West Africa, it is not a major source of food in that region (Mitchell et al., 2008). Alternatively, ackee fruit is a source of food among many people of the Caribbean and Central and South America.

Can ackee cause stomach pain? ›

Jamaican vomiting sickness is characterized by a sudden onset of vomiting that is preceded by generalized epigastric discomfort starting 2-6 hours after the ingestion of a meal containing ackee. Once the sickness begins, symptom progression is rapid.

How long can you keep ackee in the fridge? ›

Fresh Ackee fruits should be immediately be cooked and consumed for the best flavor, or they can be blanched and frozen until needed. Once cooked, Ackee fruits will keep 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. Ackee fruits can also be canned in brine for extended use.

How long does it take for ackee to mature? ›

The ackee tree grows to 9.1 metres high and matures in 3-4 years. Its majestic figure with brightly coloured fruits can add aesthetics to any landscape. Fruits can be seen from January- March and from October- November.

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