The Best Non Dairy Milk for Coffee (+ How They Taste & Froth) 🐄 (2024)

It feels like the vegan wave has been rising almost exponentially over the past few years. And, let’s face it when both Burger King and KFC start making vegan burgers it’s probably something that’s here to stay. But what’s this got to do with great coffee? Well if milk is off the menu then you need to know what the best milk alternatives are for your lovingly roasted beans! We’ve tested all the main contenders for your cup (so you don’t have to) and we’ll give you our top tips for the perfect non-dairy cup, no jargon, no BS, just great (vegan friendly) coffee, made simple.

Oat Milk...

Oat ‘milk’ is a blend of oats, water and occasionally canola oil. When oats are ground to create a liquid the result is pretty full-bodied in flavour, which, in our opinion, is somewhat akin to full-fat milk. Oat milk is also high in fibre which means there are some added health benefits to drinking it, in or out of a cup of coffee.

So, how does oat milk taste in coffee?

The creamy nature of oat milk makes it perfect for coffee. We like it because it doesn’t overpower the taste, unlike other milk alternatives for coffee or tea.

Can you froth oat milk?

The protein content in cow’s milk makes it perfect for foaming. Oat milk can be frothed but it does produce larger bubbles - but if latte art is your thing you can make some pretty cool shapes with it.

Does oat milk curdle in coffee?

In our experiments, we found that oat milk didn’t curdle in our coffee regardless of whether it was added hot or cold.

Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of the most popular nut-based milk alternatives for coffee. It generally comes in two forms, sweetened or unsweetened and is widely available in most supermarkets.

How does almond milk taste in coffee?

If you like a nutty flavour then this could be for you. A word of caution though, almond milk may overpower the flavour of your coffee and we don’t want anything competing with the main show in town; your coffee beans! Our signature blend, for instance, has almond notes so it may work. But, if we look at our Italian Job blend the walnut notes in this may clash. A rule of thumb for almond milk in coffee is that the sweetened version is probably more suitable across the board for most coffees.

Can you froth almond milk?

Almond milk tends to separate when it is heated. It can foam but may leave a watery layer underneath.

Does almond milk curdle in coffee?

Sadly, yes. We recommend that you don’t pour cold almond milk directly into a hot cup of coffee. Instead we suggest warming first, even if your objective here isn’t to make pretty patterns on top of your coffee.

Soy Milk

Soy Milk, until perhaps a decade ago, was pretty much the only alternative to cows milk on supermarket shelves or in a coffee shop. Soy milk is made from soaking and grinding soybeans, it has a fairly neutral taste which is perhaps why it has been so popular as a milk alternative for so long.

How does soy milk taste in coffee?

It’s pretty creamy in texture but also neutral in flavour. For this reason, it lets the taste of the coffee shine through allowing you to enjoy any type of coffee without the milk alternative altering the taste of your brew. However, if you like what real milk brings to your coffee profile, soy under delivers a little in comparison.

Can you froth soy milk?

Because soy milk has a very similar consistency to cows milk it’s relatively easy to froth. Soy lattes have been popular for a long time, probably because of its frothy qualities.

Does soy milk curdle in coffee?

Acidity is the reason that liquids curdle. Coffee will be more acidic than soy milk so cold milk will curdle in your coffee. Warming it will generally negate the curdling effect but if your soy milk is too hot it will curdle even more, and you don’t really want weird tofu-esque lumps floating around your coffee do you?

Coconut Milk...

Coconut milk has a rich and exotic flavour (that’s if you’re a fan of the often-overlooked Bounty bar). The texture is similar to a skimmed milk, which can be a plus when it comes to doing things like making a latte. Coconut milk (not to be confused with the coconut milk you use in a curry) typically consists of water, coconut water and rice milk.

How does coconut milk taste in coffee?

If you like coconut then this could be for you! It tends to be quite sweet so, if you like that kind of thing, then you could be on to a winner. Like almond, however, the taste is pretty distinctive and if you are drinking a coffee that has predominant flavours like, hazelnut, vanilla or cherry, the taste of the coconut might overpower that of your coffee.

Can you froth coconut milk?

It is possible to froth coconut milk, after a fashion. However, the bubbles it creates are bigger than cow's milk bubbles and, in our experience, it can be a bit hit and miss.

Does coconut milk curdle in coffee?

If added cold after you have poured your coffee, the coconut milk will curdle. Like most plant-based alternatives, to prevent curdling, you should warm your milk first (or, as it’s becoming clear, just stick to oat milk).

Cashew Milk...

Cashew Milk in its most basic form is ground cashews with added water. It’s full of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Cashew Milk, unlike its nut-based counterpart, almond, is a little harder to find in supermarkets and coffee shops.

How does cashew milk taste in coffee?

Cashew is actually the least ‘nutty’ of the nut-based milk alternatives. It also has quite a creamy texture which makes it perfect for coffee. It is a bit on the sweet side so might not be the best milk alternative for coffee drinkers who don’t have a sweet tooth.

Can you froth cashew milk?

Like most milk alternatives for coffee, the bubbles produced when steamed do tend to be larger but it is possible to froth cashew milk.

Does cashew milk curdle in coffee?

Like most milk alternatives the best way to stop cashew milk curdling in your coffee is to try one of two things. Heat the cashew milk, so it is warm and add it or, alternatively, let your coffee cool. A few seconds in the microwave or the steaming function on your espresso machine should get your milk alternative to the desired temperature.

Rice Milk...

Rice milk is widely available in supermarkets and could be especially good for those who want a dairy alternative for coffee but are allergic to nuts. Rice milk is often sweetened using sugar or rice syrup which is something to bear in mind.

How does rice milk taste in coffee?

Rice milk is pretty watery and also slightly sweet. It’s quite neutral in flavour too. It does not, in any shape or form, have a creamy texture so if you are looking to replace milk with a non-dairy alternative, rice milk probably isn’t for you.

Can you froth rice milk?

No. There’s not enough protein in rice to make bubbles.

Does rice milk curdle in coffee?

Rice milk added cold to coffee will have a tendency to curdle slightly, however, much less so than many of the other milk alternatives. Again, we would suggest heating slightly to avoid any potential for curdling.

Hemp Milk...

Hemp milk is made from, you guessed it, hemp plants. Hemp is probably best known for cannabis but the milk alternative will only contain trace elements of THC and will not produce a psychoactive effect or ‘high’ (insert appropriate emotion here). Hemp milk contains high levels of protein so it does have some added health benefits.

How does hemp milk taste in coffee?

Hemp milk has a slightly nutty but not overpowering taste. The texture is quite thin, so no creaminess but because the taste is fairly neutral it works well in most coffees.

Can you froth hemp milk?

Yes, the high protein content means you can make a decent froth for a coffee from hemp milk. It’s most similar to soy in terms of how it behaves but as it’s a relatively new entrant to the market it’s not as widely used yet.

Does hemp milk curdle in coffee?

Yes, unfortunately, your coffee will curdle if you add hemp milk cold. Again, warming slightly first will negate the worst of the curdling effects.

Pea Milk...

Pea milk could be the silver bullet for those seeking a like for like replacement for cow’s milk in their coffee. Contrary to what you think, pea milk isn’t green. It’s made from yellow split peas so looks, and importantly behaves, most like cow’s milk. Why? It’s the super-high levels of proteins that are in split peas that make this the dairy alternative for a coffee hero.

How does pea milk taste in coffee?

Pea milk pretty much tastes like milk. Unlike the nut-based alternatives there is no overpowering taste. Also, it doesn’t taste like peas, green, split, mushy, or otherwise.

Can you froth pea milk?

Yes. Like other high protein alternatives pea milk can produce really good foam.

Does pea milk curdle in coffee?

Pea milk has less of a propensity to curdle in your coffee but we would advise warming it to completely remove any chance of you seeing those nasty lumps.

General tips for using milk alternatives in coffee

  • If you want to foam, look for high protein milks such as pea, hemp or soy.

  • Regardless of the milk alternative you are using, we would always recommend warming it slightly to avoid any chance of curdling - (with the exception of oat milk).

  • If you like drinking coffees with strong notes, you might want to avoid strong flavours e.g almond — there’s a reason soy has been so popular for so long in coffee shops.

  • Try pea milk!

The Best Non Dairy Milk for Coffee (+ How They Taste & Froth) 🐄 (2024)


The Best Non Dairy Milk for Coffee (+ How They Taste & Froth) 🐄? â€ș

Soy milk. Soy milk contains a similar level of protein to cow's milk. This protein content allows soy milk to achieve a thicker and more substantial froth than other alternative milks. While lower in fat than whole milk, soy milk still contains enough to enhance the coffee flavor and create a creamy froth.

What non-dairy milk goes best with coffee? â€ș

Almond Milk

Having a generally subtle nutty flavor, almond milk comes in a variety of flavors, both sweetened and unsweetened. Unsweetened almond milk tends to have subtle bitter notes and a delicate, mild taste. It goes well with stronger-flavored coffee since it balances out sharp flavors.

What milk is best for frothing coffee? â€ș

Whole Milk: Froths easily and has a rich, full flavor that delivers a more authentic coffeehouse result. Dairy Substitute: Nut, oat, and soy milks are easy to froth, but the foam disappears faster than with dairy products, so froth your milk immediately before drinking for the most satisfying experience.

What is the best milk for coffee? â€ș

Whole, Reduced-Fat or Skim? A general rule of thumb in choosing your milk: the more fat that exists in the milk, the richer and creamier it will taste. Which makes whole milk the go-to option for most coffee bars. At about 3-4% fat content, it achieves an ideal balance of taste and texture when mixed with coffee.

How do you froth non-dairy milk at home? â€ș

If you have a cappuccinatore or traditional steam wand, you're in the clear. Just make sure that you use proper cleaning and purging of the wand after each use just like you would with dairy milk. You'll also want to do your best to get and use alternative milks formulated specifically for use with steaming systems.

Which alternative milk tastes best? â€ș

The test made a few things clear: soy milk, at its best, tastes closest to cow's milk. Oat tastes like a sweetly nutty cereal milk while almond tastes like the water left in your sink after washing the breakfast dishes.

How do you make coffee taste good without dairy? â€ș

Almond milk is high in calcium and vitamin D, which can help improve your overall health. Additionally, almond milk contains antioxidants that can give your coffee a boost of flavor. If you want to make your iced coffee even more flavorful, try adding some unsweetened cocoa powder or honey.

Is oat milk or almond milk better for you? â€ș

Depends. If you're aiming to lose weight or are diabetic, almond milk with its lower sugar and calorie content might be right for you. On the other side, oat milk is high in fiber and nutrients, which boosts heart health and immunity, and helps muscle grow.

Does oat milk taste good in coffee? â€ș

Oat milk has a lighter texture, milder flavor and naturally sweet notes that complement coffee deliciously without overwhelming it. The smooth, creamy mouthfeel of oat milk blends beautifully into coffee for an indulgent yet light breakfast beverage.

What is the healthiest coffee with milk? â€ș

Popular coffee orders, ranked from healthiest to least healthy
  1. Flat white or latte on reduced-fat milk. Per 290mL: ...
  2. Cappuccino on reduced-fat milk. ...
  3. Flat white or latte on soy milk. ...
  4. Cappuccino on soy milk. ...
  5. Flat white or latte on full cream milk. ...
  6. Cappuccino on full cream milk. ...
  7. Flat white or latte on almond milk. ...
  8. Long black.
Nov 9, 2020

Which non-dairy milk can froth? â€ș

Soy milk. Soy milk contains a similar level of protein to cow's milk. This protein content allows soy milk to achieve a thicker and more substantial froth than other alternative milks. While lower in fat than whole milk, soy milk still contains enough to enhance the coffee flavor and create a creamy froth.

Which plant milk foams the best? â€ș

Soy. Thanks to its high protein content, soy milk can be aerated (stretched) very well. This is because the protein molecules in soy milk surround air bubbles, making it easier to create foam. Soy milk steams almost twice as quickly as cow's milk.

Does almond milk or oat milk froth better? â€ș

When frothed, the starches in oat milk can form a more robust structure, creating a longer-lasting and creamier froth compared to almond milk. These qualities make oat milk the ideal choice for any frothed milk coffee beverage such as a latte, cappuccino, or café au lait.

What plant milk doesn t curdle in coffee? â€ș

Cashew Milk

Though cashew milk tastes similar to cow's milk, it tends to be thinner due to its low-fat content. It doesn't curdle when heated like other plant-based milk, so you can add it to coffee without getting chunky. This makes it ideal for lattes or cappuccinos.

Is almond milk or oat milk better for lattes? â€ș

If you like a fancier coffee drink like a cappuccino, oat milk may have the advantage, as it's thicker and creamier—and therefore, much easier to create that frothy foam. Almond milk has a slightly more watery texture, which may help you thin out a thick smoothie better than its oat counterpart.

What to put in coffee if there is no milk? â€ș

The good news is, the next time you find yourself without enough milk for your morning brew, there's a quick solution you can try instead: sour cream. Although it might sound funny, the ingredient adds a rich, creamy texture to your drink. Plus, it's got a unique tang that can add complex notes to your coffee.

Does almond milk taste good in coffee? â€ș

In contrast, almond milk can have a stronger, nutty aftertaste that is more pronounced in coffee. While some enjoy this taste, others feel that almond milk is too assertive for coffee. The subtle flavor of oats melds better with coffee without distracting from it.

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