Lifespan of a House - What You Must Know Before You Build! | Paragon Tools Ireland (2024)

When building or purchasing a house, you want to choose a structure that will stand the test of time. You will most likely want to learn what type of house will last the longest.

Stone and brick houses last the longest. If you are using wood, choose a hardwood for durability. A one-storey house will last longer because it is easier to maintain. Steel-frame techniques are also more durable for building houses than traditional stick-framing techniques and can last for 100+ years.

By reading this post, you will learn what type of house lasts the longest so you can make an informed decision about a home you are planning to buy or to build in the near future.

What type of House Lasts the Longest?

When you consider the worlds most famous historical buildings that are still standing, then it should come as no surprise to you that the strongest types of houses and building are made from masonry materials. Newer materials have also come onto the market such as steel, and when paired with brick or stone, are built to last long after you are gone.

In an age where houses are built as cheaply as possible, it can be tempting to go for the cheapest option. But if you are going to invest your time and money into a house, you are much more often better off doing it properly and making sure it will stand the test of time. Not only is it much better for the environment, to make sure that you build your house from long lasting materials, a strong house will not only secure your own investment as well as looking after the generations that follow.

So before you accept that project plan from your builder. Have a think about what you actually want. Talk to them about the material selection, and make sure your house is going to be something you will be happy with for the long term. And I tell you, it should not be going anywhere fast.

How long do houses last?

It should come as no surprise to hear that real estate does not last forever. However, the typical lifespan of a house is more than 100 years if it is built with the proper techniques and materials. This statistic means that about one in 100 houses is replaced every year. When building a home, if you invest in the best materials, you can build a residential structure that can last for several generations.

What makes a house sturdy?

A sturdy house has a solid foundation and strong framing techniques. Without a good foundation, the whole house will fail. Typically, the foundation is built from the most durable materials, such as stone, brick, or hardwood. A poured-concrete foundation ensures your house will last for at least 200 years.

Invest in a high-quality roofing system to help your home withstand the elements as well. Although it may cost more to build a sturdy house, it is an investment that will be worth it in the years, decades, and maybe even centuries to come.

If you are planning to build a house from scratch, it is worth building a house that is sturdy and durable so it will last for years to come. If the house is built from high-quality materials and using the best techniques, it is likely to outlast you.

How long do frame houses last?

When it comes to home construction, you would be hard-pressed to find a modern house built without a frame. Of course, the overall longevity of a frame house depends on what material the frame is made from. Poured-concrete houses, structural insulated panel houses, and timber-frame houses will last at least for a lifetime.

According to recent studies, log-frame houses last for 80 to 200 years, poured-concrete systems last for 100+ years, steel-frame houses last for 100+ years, structural insulated panels (SIPs) last for 100+ years, and timber-frame houses last for 100+ years.

What is the strongest type of house frame?

The strongest type of house is one with a steel frame. Time and time again, steel has proven to be one of the strongest building materials. In fact, steel has a strength-to-weight ratio 25 times greater than wood. In areas prone to severe weather, such as cyclones and tornados, steel frames are a necessity.

Although it might not be aesthetically pleasing to have a steel home exterior, when building a house from scratch, choosing a steel frame for the interior structure can make all the difference when it comes to your house’s durability and overall longevity.

Stone and brick houses have proven to last for centuries

Lifespan of a House - What You Must Know Before You Build! | Paragon Tools Ireland (1)When it comes to longevity and durability, you can’t beat stone and brick as home building materials.

There is a reason people have been using these materials to build their homes for centuries.

Made from clay and shale, bricks are excellent building materials because of their sturdiness, low price, and design flexibility. They are also resistant to fire.

Cut from quarries, stone is also great at resisting fire. It also stands up well against hail and other forms of precipitation. It is also worth mentioning that stone is stronger than brick.

When building a house from timber choose a hardwood

There is something soft and elegant about timber which makes it a truly desirable material for building with. But, if you want to go with wood for your house material, make sure you choose hardwood. These include ash, elm, maple, and oak, to name a few. Wood makes a popular building material because it occurs in nature and is readily available. Most hardwoods are also easy to find.

These woods make great choices for walls, floors, and other structural parts of your home. They stand up against the elements and are likely to weather the passage of time. They also offer a less severe look than stone and brick materials. (Source)

The durability of a two-storey house vs a single-storey house

After you choose your home framing and building materials, you might be wondering whether a two-storey home is more durable than a single-storey dwelling. A single-storey home is easier to maintain because everything is easier to reach, making it more likely to withstand the passage of time.

A home that is easier to maintain is less likely to degrade over time, thanks to the routine maintenance and care. This makes a one-storey home the best choice in terms of durability.

Construction techniques matter just as much as materials

Along with the size of the home and the materials used to build it, construction techniques can have a big impact on how long a home lasts. The most common home-building techniques include traditional stick-framing, light-gauge steel, modular homes, structural insulated panels, and concrete.

Stick-framing may be popular, but since it uses wood, it is less resistant to weather and the elements than its more industrial counterparts. Steel, for example, doesn’t warp, split, or rot, and termites will not eat it.

Concrete is unbeatable in terms of strength and durability, but it is seldom used in modern home building aside from concrete foundations. But this is a great example of how important construction technique is. You do have to be careful because if the steel reinforcing within a concrete slab begins to rust it will undermine both materials and you will get ‘concrete cancer’. This is when the concrete can start to show rust and even start to flake away. Generally due to poor preparation during the building stage! If preparation is done properly, than these materials can last the test of time.

You might want to consult with a builder about their techniques and durability before making a home purchasing or building decision.

Deciding what type of home to build or purchase may seem intimidating. If you want to build the type of house that lasts the longest, keep building materials, one-storey or two-storey heights, and construction techniques in mind. House can last hundreds of years, so by choosing the right materials, you can ensure that yours will stand the test of time.

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Lifespan of a House - What You Must Know Before You Build! |  Paragon Tools Ireland (2024)


How long does a timber frame house last in Ireland? ›

In Ireland, timber frame houses typically have a lifespan of between 50 and 100 years, depending on a variety of factors such as the quality of materials, the skill of the builders, and the level of maintenance. One of the key factors in the lifespan of a timber frame house is the quality of the timber used.

Can drywall last 100 years? ›

Primarily made of gypsum combined with hardening agents and sheathed in paper or other covering, drywall can last 70 years or longer in ideal conditions. Absent ideal conditions, drywall has an average lifespan of 30 to 50 years.

Can a brick house last 200 years? ›

According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (IACHI), brick structures are built to last 100 years or more. Throughout Europe and on other continents, homes, castles and other buildings made of brick have stood tall for centuries.

What is the life expectancy of a timber frame house? ›

With proper construction and maintenance, timber frames can easily surpass 100 years. Many examples worldwide have exceeded 400+ years. What is the shortest lifespan of a timber frame? Lack of maintenance can shorten the lifespan to 25 years or less.

Can a wood frame house last 200 years? ›

Wood framed buildings can last thousands of years as long as the building is protected from insect damage and moisture changes. Even wood siding lasts relatively well. Unprotected wood will weather about 1/4” in 100 years without paint. Over 400 years with proper maintenance, based on US examples.

How long are houses designed to last? ›

Key takeaway. A properly maintained home can last for 100 years. The lifespan of a home may be reduced due to factors such as poor-quality building materials and exposure to harsh weather conditions. Regular repairs and home maintenance enhance the longevity of a house.

What building material has the longest lifespan? ›

Key Takeaways. Wood, brick, stone, concrete and iron/steel are five long-lasting building materials that have been used throughout history to construct durable structures, from ancient temples to modern skyscrapers.

How long will a concrete block house last? ›

Block doesn't rot, warp or grow mold, and it stands up remarkably well to even the most extreme weather. Even with a lifespan of up to 100 years, you can be sure the building's structural integrity isn't compromised over the years like it can be with wood.

What type of house lasts the longest? ›

You will most likely want to learn what type of house will last the longest. Stone and brick houses last the longest. If you are using wood, choose a hardwood for durability. A one-storey house will last longer because it is easier to maintain.

How do old houses last so long? ›

Established houses are built to last, and many aspects of the construction cannot be reproduced today. Older homes might be built with wood made from old-growth trees (trees that attained great age by not being significantly disturbed) and therefore more resistant to rot and warping.

Is it worth keeping old bricks? ›

Once the mortar residues have been removed, the bricks can be reused for restoration or new-build projects. In their second life, bricks can be a real asset and they give the building an exceptional look and character.

What is the life expectancy of a wooden house in the US? ›

Wooden house can serve for 100-150 years with proper approach to its building. Advanced technologies in wood production allow to prevent and forget a lot of negative processes: twisting, cracking, decay, discoloration. For example, technical drying of wood lets to get a strong building material.

How long does framing in a house last? ›

Current “conventionally-built” or “stick-built” framed homes are meant to last 50+ years according to current code. This is not necessarily a long-time, but land development, freeway construction and other causes often promote new construction and demolition of older structures.

Why are timber frame homes so expensive? ›

Price Difference

The main drawback to timber frame structures is the cost. Since each piece of timber needs to be precut exactly to fit, the cost of a timber frame package is more than twice the cost of the framing package of a stud framed structure.

How much does a timber framed house cost in Ireland? ›

In Ireland, the average cost of a timber frame house typically starts from around €1,200 to €2,000 per square meter of floor area. This range includes the basic construction costs and excludes any additional expenses like land acquisition, site preparation, interior finishes, and utility connections.

Can you get a mortgage on a timber frame house in Ireland? ›

Can I get a mortgage on a timber frame? Yes, timber frame is the most widely used structural system in the developed world.

What is the lifespan of a log cabin in Ireland? ›

As we have seen in the advantages section, a log cabin that is well-treated and maintained can last a lifetime! Think of a wooden boat, despite being in the water, one can last forever when well cared for. In Ireland, Timber Living averages the log cabin lifespan to over 60 years.

What is the lifespan of a timber structure? ›

Generally speaking, a timber frame house lifespan is 100 years or more.

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