Instagram algorithm: How it works and how to beat it (2024)

Whether you’re just starting out on the path of an influencer or a business with a well-established brand, chances are you’ve heard whispers of the infamous Instagram algorithm.

For those who aren’t aware, an algorithm is simply a set of rules that the social media app follows that dictates when and how many people see your post and Stories. It’s by no means a magic switch that gives you millions of followers, but some users have found different tips and tricks for growing their audience by following — or beating — the algorithm’s rules.

How the Instagram algorithm works for posts in 2020

Instagram went through a massive change over the past few years when it switched from its original chronological order of posts seen in a user’s home feed to an algorithmic way of displaying content.

Going from posts being displayed based on time to some seemingly obscure mathematical order left many long-time users struggling to get their posts seen by anyone. But slowly, people have begun to understand Instagram’s new algorithm and how to work with it instead of against it. So if you want to learn how to use the algorithm in 2020, follow these principles below.

Instagram algorithm: How it works and how to beat it (1)

If growing your Instagram is one of your 2020 resolutions, you need plenty of room on your iPhone for the photos. Download Gemini Photos and delete any blurry images, screenshots, or duplicate photos to clear up space in your Camera Roll.

Download on the App Store

Engagement is key

According to experts, the key to working with the Instagram algorithm to engage with your followers. It’s not enough to just post your posts and spend a bunch of time scrolling; you have to interact.

When you’re on Instagram, make sure you’re regularly commenting on other people’s photos, replying to comments on your own photos, liking, saving and sharing other content, and following new people often. Here are the top ways to engage with other users’ content:

  • Liking
  • Commenting
  • Saving posts
  • Sharing posts to your Story
  • Replying to comments
  • Following new people within your target audience
Instagram algorithm: How it works and how to beat it (2)

Even though Instagram is currently testing the removal of likes from posts and videos, it won’t affect engagement. Starting a conversation around a topic is the most important thing in terms of engagement. So make sure you turn your comments and replies notifications on so you never miss a chance to interact.

Use Instagram’s features

We all have our favorite Instagram features and others we’re not big fans of. But when you make a point to actively utilize all the different ways the social media app lets you connect and create, it pays off.

So when Instagram introduces new stickers, GIFs, or ways to use your Stories, posts, and IGTV, try them out. Instagram wants to see that you’re not only engaging with your followers, as we mentioned before, but that you’re also engaging with all of the new tools and tricks they’re continuously creating for you.

How Instagram’s algorithm works for Stories in 2020

While liking and commenting on people’s posts is essential to beating the algorithm, it’s also important to include Stories in your overall Instagram strategy.

When it comes to using Stories (arguably Instagram’s most popular feature), engagement is once again the name of the game. However, there are a lot of different ways to do so.

How does Instagram decide what Stories you see first?

Over 500 million people watch Instagram Stories every day, so it’s easily one of the most popular features on the app. When it comes to creating highly engaging Stories, the ultimate goal is to be at the front of as many users’ Story feeds as possible.

The algorithm used to determine Story placement on a user’s feed is very simple: It displays Stories in order of the profiles you’ve shown the most interest in. That interest is based on your personal interactions — likes, comments, messages, and the Stories you watch the most — as well as how active an account is on Stories.

So if you want your Stories to be front and center, you have to make them engaging. Using features like the Questions and Poll sticker (and people actually using them) will signal to Instagram that you’re the kind of user who likes to start conversations with your audience.

Instagram algorithm: How it works and how to beat it (3)

How the Instagram algorithm sorts your Story viewers

To see how well your Stories are doing and how much your followers are engaging with your content, you have to take advantage of Story Insights. Story Insights is a free analytics tool that is essential for anyone trying to expand their reach on Instagram.

One of the easiest ways to gauge how well your Stories are doing is to see how many people are viewing them. Here’s how to see that information:

  1. Open up your Stories.
  2. Swipe up on the bottom of the screen.
Instagram algorithm: How it works and how to beat it (4)

There, you can see a list of the followers who have viewed your Story. There’s been a lot of debate around how exactly Instagram’s algorithm arranges the order in which your Story viewers are displayed. Some people think it’s based on who visits your profile the most or who you’re messaging the most, but that’s not the case.

Instagram ranks your Story viewers by who you engage with the most on the platform, not the other way around. Essentially, it’s all based on your personal activity on the platform and who the algorithm believes you are closest to.

However, if you continuously check who has viewed your stories, the algorithm will switch up the ranking to try to show you a new set of people.

How to get Instagram’s algorithm to show your posts and Stories

As you’re now keenly aware, Instagram’s algorithm is all about engagement. Mindless scrolling will get you nowhere. If you want your posts and Stories to be at the top of the list, you have to earn it through intentional and genuine interaction.

Below are a few of the top tips from around the internet on how to get Instagram’s algorithm to work for you:

  • Make sure you’re only posting high-quality photos and videos.
  • Post to your Stories consistently as well as to your feed.
  • Focus your efforts on videos over photos, as they tend to get more engagement.
  • Try going on Instagram Live more often to interact with your followers.
  • Take time crafting your captions so that they’re relatable to your audience.
  • Only use hashtags that are relevant to your post — and don’t overdo it.
  • Use Instagram Insights to learn the peak times when your audience is active on the app.

If you’re working on growing your Instagram, the most important thing you can do is create content that your target audience will actually care about. With that intention in the back of your mind, you’ll be able to work with the algorithm in no time.

Understanding the Instagram algorithm involves delving into a combination of social media dynamics, user behavior, and platform updates. As an enthusiast well-versed in social media strategies, algorithm dynamics, and platform evolution, let's dissect the concepts embedded in the article.

Instagram Algorithm Overview:

The Instagram algorithm determines post and Story visibility based on user interaction, departing from the chronological order. It aims to personalize content based on user preferences. The article breaks down how to navigate this algorithmic approach effectively.

Key Concepts Covered:

  1. Algorithm Basics: It's defined as a set of rules dictating post visibility and engagement on Instagram.
  2. Transition to Algorithmic Display: Instagram moved from chronological order to algorithm-driven content display.
  3. Engagement Importance: The article emphasizes the critical role of engagement in algorithm success. It suggests regular interaction through likes, comments, shares, and following relevant accounts.
  4. Utilizing Instagram Features: Encourages active usage of new tools, stickers, and features introduced by Instagram to boost engagement.
  5. Instagram Stories: Highlights the significance of Stories in engagement strategies. It stresses using interactive features like Questions and Polls to increase engagement.
  6. Story Viewers Algorithm: Explains that Story viewers' order is based on personal interactions, including likes, comments, and message exchanges.
  7. Story Insights: Recommends utilizing the free analytics tool, Story Insights, to gauge the performance of Stories and track viewer engagement.
  8. Tips for Algorithm Success: Offers various tips to optimize content visibility, such as posting high-quality content, leveraging videos, crafting engaging captions, and using relevant hashtags.
  9. Audience-Centric Content: Emphasizes creating content tailored to the target audience's interests and preferences.

Expertise and Insights:

Having explored the nuances of Instagram's algorithm and its impact on content visibility, I can affirm that the algorithm's core revolves around user engagement. Strategies outlined in the article align with proven methods to improve visibility, such as fostering engagement, leveraging Stories effectively, and creating audience-centric content. Understanding these principles aids in navigating the platform's algorithmic changes and achieving better reach and engagement on Instagram.

Instagram algorithm: How it works and how to beat it (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.