Health Benefits of Red Cabbage (2024)

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage (1)
Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum,MD on July 11, 2023

Written by WebMD Editorial Contributor

6 min read

Benefits of Red Cabbage

Red cabbage is a nutrient-rich, cruciferous or Brassica vegetable that's related to broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. It’s sometimes called purple cabbage because its leaves are a dark purple-reddish color. Red cabbage is usually a little smaller and denser than green cabbage, and it has a more peppery taste.

This type of cabbage gets its purple-reddish color from the plant compound anthocyanin and the acidity level of the soil where it’s grown. Like most colorful vegetables, it has many health benefits.

Some people disagree on whether certain foods are truly healthy. This isn’t true for cabbage, which many people think of as one of the world's most nutritious foods. Low in calories and chock-full of important vitamins and minerals, cabbage is also versatile enough to be used in a variety of dishes, including many regional specialties.

Cabbage comes in white varieties as well as red and green. Its leaves may be smooth or crinkly.

Red Cabbage Benefits

Like other cruciferous vegetables, red cabbage contains many nutrients that your body needs.

All types of cabbage contain a variety of antioxidant compounds that fight harmful molecules and reduce stress on your cells. But red cabbage has higher levels of some types of antioxidants than other types of cabbage. These nutrients are thought to help reduce the risk of health conditions such as cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease.

Red cabbage is particularly rich in anthocyanins, which are a type of flavonoid. Flavonoids are natural substances that plants use to help them do things like attract pollinators and survive droughts. They also have benefits for people who consume them.

Some of the potential health benefits of red cabbage include:

Heart health. Diets high in anthocyanins, like those found in red cabbage, are linked with lower blood pressure. They’re also linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease.

Brain protection. One study linked anthocyanins to increased blood flow in areas of the brain linked to attention, language, and memory. Another suggested they could aid memory and speech in people 70 and over who had mild or moderate dementia.

Some of the benefits of all types of cabbage include:

Bone health. Cabbage contains several nutrients that are important for bone health. While most people know that vitamin D and calcium are critical to their bone health, other nutrients essential to your bones include vitamin K and magnesium.

Unfortunately, people who eat a typical American diet may not get as much of these nutrients as they need. Cabbage, especially green cabbage, is a good source of vitamin K. It also provides small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which can help build and maintain healthy bones.

Digestive health. All cabbages are high in fiber. Fiber helps keep food moving through your digestive system and reduces constipation. The soluble fiber in cabbage can help the healthy bacteria in your gut. It may help maintain a healthy balance of prebiotics in your digestive system, though we need more research into this benefit. Prebiotics are foods that help feed "good" gut bacteria.

Fermented cabbage may also help promote the balance of microbes and probiotics in your digestive system. This can help strengthen your intestines.

Weight control. Cabbage may also help with weight loss because it’s low in calories, has a high-water content, and is a good source of dietary fiber. These things help you feel full without too many calories.

Colorectal cancer prevention. Cabbage and related vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts contain high levels of a chemical known as indole-3-carbinol. Scientists believe this chemical may play an important role in preventing several types of cancer, including colorectal cancer.

Other benefits of cabbage

As a green, leafy vegetable, green cabbage has some particular health benefits, including:

Reduced breastfeeding discomfort. If you have engorgement or mastitis while breastfeeding, applying green cabbage leaves to your breasts may reduce both pain and breast hardness. This could make you more likely to continue breastfeeding.

Reduced diabetes risk. A diet high in leafy green vegetables like green cabbage may reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. While all fruits and vegetables can help prevent diabetes, studies suggest that leafy green vegetables may be the most effective.

Brain health. Eating just one serving of leafy green vegetables per day can promote brain health and reduce your risk of developing dementia. Research shows that older people who eat at least one serving of cabbage or similar vegetables each day have "brain ages" that are an average of 11 years younger than those who rarely eat green veggies.

Red Cabbage Nutrition

Like all cabbage varieties, red cabbage is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. Red cabbage also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin

Nutrients per serving

A one-cup (89-gram) serving of raw, chopped red cabbage contains:

  • Calories: 28
  • Protein: 1.27 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 6.56 grams
  • Fiber: 1.87 grams
  • Sugar: 3.41 grams
  • Vitamin K: 34 micrograms or 28% of the daily value
  • Vitamin C: 50.7 milligrams or 56% of the daily value
  • Folate: 16 micrograms or 4% of the daily value

Nutrition in other types of cabbage

Red cabbage may have the edge in antioxidants, but other types of cabbage have benefits of their own. Green cabbage is especially rich in vitamin K.

Nutrients per serving

A one-cup serving of chopped raw green cabbage contains:

  • Calories: 22
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: Less than 1 gram
  • Carbohydrates: 5 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Sugar: 3 grams
  • Vitamin K: 53.4 micrograms or 85% of the daily value
  • Vitamin C: 32.6 milligrams or 54% of the daily value
  • Folate: 38.27 micrograms or nearly 10% of the daily value

Cabbage Juice

Some people prefer to get their cabbage in the form of juice. Juicing removes fiber, but it delivers the nutrients of the vegetable in a concentrated form.

One head of cabbage makes about 3 cups of juice.

Nutrition information

One serving of cabbage juice gives you half the vitamin C your body needs for the day. A 1/2 cup serving of cabbage juice has:

  • 22 calories
  • No fat or cholesterol
  • 5 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3 grams of sugars

Other nutrients in cabbage juice include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Calcium
  • Iron

Cabbage Side Effects

Like many vegetables from the Cruciferae family, cabbage can cause gas and bloating. If you’re prone to bloating, avoid eating large amounts of cabbage, especially alongside other gas-inducing foods.

How to Prepare Cabbage

Cabbage is available in most regions throughout the fall, winter, and early spring—seasons in which finding fresh vegetables may otherwise be difficult. You can find it in grocery stores, co-ops, and farmer's markets. It's also grown in many home gardens.

Cabbage lasts a long time if you keep it in your refrigerator's crisper drawer. Use plastic wrap to store partially used cabbage.

When choosing heads of cabbage, don't be put off by the occasional wilted leaf or blotch. Damaged leaves can be peeled away to reveal a healthy cabbage. Instead, select cabbage based on whether it feels firm and heavy for its size. When selecting a red cabbage, the color should be vibrant.

You can add this versatile vegetable to soups, stews, salads, and coleslaw. It’s delicious raw, steamed, sautéed, or fermented. It retains the most nutrients when it’s eaten raw but is still highly nutritious when cooked. The flavor becomes a little milder when you cook it.

Try these ideas to incorporate cabbage into your diet:

  • Lightly steam it for an easy side dish.
  • Use cabbage leaves as wraps to reduce your carbohydrate intake.
  • Include shredded cabbage in your favorite green salad or coleslaw.
  • Add cabbage mixed with cilantro and lime to grilled fish tacos.
  • Enjoy chopped cabbage with toasted sesame oil and soy sauce in a savory Japanese pancake.
  • Throw cabbage leaves in the slow cooker with beef kielbasa and potatoes.
  • Blend cabbage with yogurt into a berry smoothie.
  • Roast cabbage with bacon.
  • Add red cabbage to a potato hash to add additional color and nutrients.
  • Braise or simmer red cabbage with apples and spices for a delicious side dish.
Health Benefits of Red Cabbage (2024)


Health Benefits of Red Cabbage? ›

But red cabbage has higher levels of some types of antioxidants than other types of cabbage. These nutrients are thought to help reduce the risk of health conditions such as cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Red cabbage is particularly rich in anthocyanins, which are a type of flavonoid.

What does red cabbage do to your body? ›

Consuming red cabbage can contribute to your daily vitamin C intake and support overall health. Fiber content: Red cabbage is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and promotes bowel regularity. Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and maintain a healthy weight.

What is the most nutritious way to eat red cabbage? ›

A lot of its frumpy reputation comes from it being over-pickled or boiled for an eon. Although it's a sturdy vegetable it's not invincible… Go raw. Lock in nutrients by eating your cabbage uncooked in salads.

How much red cabbage should you eat a day? ›

You don't have to know the names of all the good things in your cabbage–just eat it! To get the most benefit, try to consume ½ to ¾ cup cooked or 1 ½ cup raw cabbage per day at least 5 days per week. This is pretty easy to do since there are so many ways to prepare cabbage.

Is red cabbage good for your liver? ›

Cabbage is a really healthy type of cruciferous vegetable, just like broccoli. It is considered to be a liver-friendly food because it contains a high concentration of phytonutrients, chemical compounds that are amazing when it comes to helping the liver flush dangerous toxins out of the blood.

Is red cabbage better than blueberries? ›

But if you're looking for a big infusion of the potent antioxidants that blueberries are famous for, “you're not going to get that from red cabbage,” said Amy Howell, a researcher at Rutgers University's Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research.

Does red cabbage have more vitamins than green cabbage? ›

While both green and red cabbage are excellent sources of this potent antioxidant, red cabbage contains significantly more ( 2 , 22 ). One cup (89 g) of chopped red cabbage packs in 56% of the recommended intake for vitamin C, which is the same amount found in a small orange ( 22 , 23 ).

What are the side effects of eating too much red cabbage? ›

Eating cabbage in excess can result in abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea and flatulence.

Is red cabbage healthier, raw or cooked? ›

When selecting a red cabbage, the color should be vibrant. You can add this versatile vegetable to soups, stews, salads, and coleslaw. It's delicious raw, steamed, sautéed, or fermented. It retains the most nutrients when it's eaten raw but is still highly nutritious when cooked.

Is red cabbage better than broccoli? ›

Broccoli and cabbage are both nutrient-dense foods that are beneficial to a healthy diet. Yet, when it comes down to it broccoli is more nutrient-dense than cabbage. Cabbage and broccoli are both part of the mustard family. Broccoli has more of all of the body's essential minerals and vitamins than cabbage does.

Is red cabbage a superfood? ›

Red cabbage is a nutrient-rich vegetable which has been linked to a number of health benefits including inflammation, a healthier heart, improved gut function and a lower risk of certain cancers.

Is red cabbage healthier than lettuce? ›

Which should you choose? If you're looking for the healthier option of the two, choose cabbage. Lettuce varieties such as red leaf lettuce and romaine are also good options. Cabbage, including green and red cabbage, is typically higher in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds than iceberg lettuce.

Does red cabbage cleanse your colon? ›

Both apples and red cabbage are deep colon cleansers in their own right but when you combine these two foods together, a special kind of alchemy is activated, and this duo act powerfully to expel worms, parasites, bacteria and viruses from the colon and entire intestinal tract.

Does cabbage detox the body? ›

Cabbage does double detox duty. Its diuretic properties help rid your body of excess liquid, carrying toxins along with it. Like other cruciferous veggies, cabbage is also sulfur-rich, helping your liver break down toxins so they can be more easily expelled.

Does red cabbage burn belly fat? ›

Even though cabbage will not burn fat from your body, it is still ideal for your weight loss diet because it is so low in calories. A half cup of cabbage is only 17 calories. An entire head of cabbage that can be used to prepare a large salad is less than 300 calories.

What organ is cabbage good for? ›

It's Good for Your Digestion

That helps fill you up, so you eat less. It also keeps you regular, and it could help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and control your blood sugar. Cabbage also has nutrients that keep the lining of your stomach and intestines strong. Its juice also can help stomach ulcers heal.

What is the healthiest way to eat red cabbage? ›

If you want to preserve these nutritional benefits, it's best to steam your cabbage. First, because steaming improves its cholesterol-lowering properties. Steaming also preserves more glucosinolates than microwaving, despite longer cooking time. Purple or red cabbage is a special nutritional powerhouse.

Is red cabbage OK for kidneys? ›

Cabbage is another good vegetable for people with kidney disease. It contains high levels of fiber and plant-based protein. As a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, cabbage is loaded with vitamins and minerals and contains powerful plant compounds.

Can you eat red cabbage everyday? ›

It is important to note that, while it is true that eating cabbage may support weight-management goals, this veggie should not be overconsumed, as too much cabbage can lead to gastrointestinal side effects, like bloating. It is also important to enjoy cabbage as a part of a balanced and healthy diet.

Which is healthier kale or red cabbage? ›

Kale and cabbage are both highly nutritious foods. Kale ranks slightly higher in most positive nutritional values – but only just. The only real difference in terms of nutrition between them is the anti-inflammatory factor, which granted, is quite important. But it must be pointed out that cabbage is not inflammatory.

Which is healthier green or red cabbage? ›

Red cabbage beats out the green version of the vegetable when it comes to nutritional content. Reducing inflammation and guarding against some cancers are just two of the health benefits believed to be the result of eating red (or purple) cabbage, per Healthline.

Is red cabbage good for your hair? ›

Red cabbage is full of sulphur, which the body uses to produce keratin – the protein responsible for strong, healthy hair, skin and nails. Red cabbage is low in calories and fat, but high in fibre and contains a small amount of protein, too.

What is the most nutritious cabbage? ›

Purple cabbage is a nutrient-rich vegetable linked to a variety of health benefits, including reduced inflammation, a healthier heart, stronger bones, improved gut function, and maybe a lower risk of certain cancers. Purple cabbage, also referred to as red cabbage, belongs to the Brassica genus of plants.

What does purple cabbage do for you? ›

Potential health benefits of purple cabbage include its anti-inflammatory properties, promoting heart health, strengthening bones, protection against certain cancers, and weight management. Purple cabbage can be easily incorporated into your diet through various cooking methods and recipes.

What happens to the body when you eat cabbage everyday? ›

Cabbage has 1 gram of fiber for every 10 calories. That helps fill you up, so you eat less. It also keeps you regular, and it could help lower your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and control your blood sugar. Cabbage also has nutrients that keep the lining of your stomach and intestines strong.

Does cabbage clean your gut? ›

May Help with Better Gut Health

As a natural source of dietary fiber, cabbage aids digestion and promotes regular bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation. Furthermore, cabbage is a natural source of prebiotics, an indigestible fiber that acts as “fuel” for live and beneficial probiotics.

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