Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction (2024)

Table of Contents
Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction Underground Construction What are the key steps involved in building an underground house? How have modern construction techniques improved the building of underground structures? What materials are most commonly used in underground house construction and why? Underground Houses in the UK What are the unique characteristics of underground houses in the UK? How do building regulations in the UK impact underground house construction? Are there any notable examples of underground housing projects in the UK? How does prefabrication benefit the construction of underground homes? What are some examples of modular components used in underground construction? How does modular construction impact the time and cost of building an underground house? What is the average cost of building an underground house compared to a traditional house? How can potential builders budget effectively for an underground construction project? Are there any cost-saving strategies specific to underground house construction? What legal considerations must be taken into account when building an underground house? How are safety concerns addressed in underground house design and construction? What are the most common challenges faced in getting approval for underground house construction? Benefits and Challenges of underground housing What are the key benefits of living in an underground house? What challenges do residents of underground houses typically face? How does underground living impact energy efficiency and environmental sustainability? Market and Availability How has the market for underground houses evolved in recent years? Where are underground houses most commonly available for sale or construction? What factors influence the resale value of an underground house? Design and Aesthetics How does the design of underground homes differ from traditional above-ground homes? What are some innovative design features specific to underground houses? How can underground homes be designed to maximise natural light and open space? Environmental and Sustainable Aspects How do underground houses contribute to sustainable living? What are the environmental advantages of choosing an underground home? How are underground homes designed to minimise their ecological footprint? Utilities and Infrastructure What are the key considerations for utilities and infrastructure in underground houses? How are challenges like ventilation and drainage managed in underground construction? What innovative solutions are used to provide utilities like electricity and water in underground homes? 36 Comments


Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction

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Underground Construction

Underground construction has been around for thousands of years, mostly developed through mining and more recently through transport, housing and commercial industries. The Channel Tunnel, London Underground, British Library, and various shopping centres are all examples of underground construction.

Underground housing (sometimes called earth sheltered housing) refers specifically to homes that have been built underground, either partially or completely. These subterranean homes have grown increasingly popular over the last thirty years and are an important sector in the green building movement.

Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction (1)

Conceptual Underground Construction

Thousands of people in Europe and America live in underground homes. In Russia there is more development below the ground than above it. Countries like Japan and China, where development space is at a premium, are particularly keen to build underground living places. In the UK, the movement is much slower, with less than a hundred underground homes in existence. This is partly due to a misinformed belief that underground homes are dirty, damp, dark, claustrophobic and unstable places to live. But it is also due to a lack of guidance and information about building regulations and specifications, and a lack of knowledge about their potential as a sustainable building practice.

Underground Dwelling Design

To a certain extent the design of an underground home is determined by the conditions of the site. Soil type, topography, precipitation, ground water levels, load-bearing properties, and slope stability all need to be carefully considered. Construction materials need to be waterproof, durable and strong enough to withstand underground pressure (concrete is frequently used). Water is a particular consideration in underground building, and special drainage techniques may need to be implemented around the site, particularly along the roof areas.

There are several methods of building for subterranean living:

  • Constructed Caves – made by tunnelling into the earth. Although popular around the world, this can be an expensive and dangerous procedure.
  • Cut and Cover – also called culvert homes, these are made by assembling precast concrete pipes and containers into the required design of the living space, and then burying them in the ground.
  • Earth Berm – house is first built on flat land or a small hill, and then buried, leaving a wall or roof open for light.
  • Elevational – house is built into the side of a hill with the front of the home left open.
  • Atrium – also called courtyard homes, the rooms are built below the ground around a sunken garden or courtyard that lets light in.
  • PSP – stands for post, shoring and polyethylene. House is built by excavating the ground, sinking in posts, placing shoring (boards) between the posts and the earth, and placing polyethylene plastic sheets (for waterproofing) behind the shoring.
  • Shaft – an ambitious project in Japan called Alice City plans the construction of a wide and deep cylindrical shaft sunk into the earth with a domed skylight covering, and different levels for business and domestic use built around the shaft.

All underground homes need well-designed ventilation systems to control indoor air quality and humidity. Natural daylight design using light atriums, shafts and wells can also be used to improve the quality of underground living.

Advantages of Building Underground

Underground houses have many advantages over conventional housing. Unlike conventional homes, they can be built on steep surfaces and can maximise space in small areas by going below the ground. In addition the materials excavated in construction can be used in the building process.

Underground houses have less surface area so fewer building materials are used, and maintenance costs are lower. They are also wind, fire and earthquake resistant, providing a secure and safe environment in extreme weather.

One of the greatest benefits of underground living is energy efficiency. The earth’s subsurface temperature remains stable, so underground dwellings benefit from geothermal mass and heat exchange, staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This saves around 80% in energy costs. By incorporating solar design this energy bill can be reduced to zero, providing hot water and heat to the home all year round. An additional benefit of the surrounding earth is noise insulation. Underground homes are exceptionally quiet places to live.

Finally, underground houses blend with the natural landscape, and have minimum impact on the local ecology. This is not only aesthetically pleasing but ensures that the maximum habitat is left alone for wildlife.

Designing Down for a Sustainable Future

Underground construction is not a new industry, but it is often overlooked as a design strategy for sustainable building. A well-designed underground home can be a stylish, comfortable, secure, bright and inspiring place to live. More than that it is an excellent example of the eco-home ideal, demonstrating energy efficiency, low-impact design and harmony with its natural surroundings. With the increasing demand for more development sites and ever-diminishing green spaces, along with the enforcement of stricter regulations for greener homes, building underground seems the obvious way down.

What are the key steps involved in building an underground house?

Building an underground house involves several key steps:

  1. Site Selection and Analysis: Choosing the right location is crucial. Factors like soil type, topography, water table levels, and environmental impact must be considered.
  2. Design and Planning: This includes architectural design, which should consider the unique challenges of underground construction such as light, ventilation, and moisture control.
  3. Obtaining Permits: Securing the necessary building permits, which often involves adhering to specific regulations for underground structures.
  4. Excavation: The site is excavated to the required depth and size. Proper techniques must be used to ensure stability and safety.
  5. Foundation and Structural Work: Laying a strong foundation and constructing the basic structure, often with reinforced materials to withstand underground pressures.
  6. Waterproofing and Drainage: Applying waterproofing measures to prevent moisture ingress and designing effective drainage systems to manage water flow around and through the structure.
  7. Interior and Exterior Finishing: Completing the interior and exterior aspects of the house, including insulation, electrical work, and aesthetic elements.
  8. Landscaping and Surface Restoration: Restoring the surface area around the construction site and landscaping as per the design plan.

How have modern construction techniques improved the building of underground structures?

A: Modern construction techniques have significantly improved the building of underground structures in various ways:

  1. Advanced Materials: Use of new materials like geopolymer concrete and corrosion-resistant alloys enhances durability and reduces maintenance.
  2. Precision Excavation: Technologies like GPS and laser-guided systems allow for precise excavation, reducing the risk of structural damage.
  3. Improved Waterproofing: Modern waterproofing methods, including advanced membranes and sealants, provide better protection against moisture and leaks.
  4. Structural Analysis Software: Software for structural analysis and 3D modelling helps in planning and visualising underground structures more effectively, leading to safer and more efficient designs.
  5. Sustainable Practices: Incorporation of sustainable practices, such as the use of recycled materials and green roofs, improves the environmental footprint of underground construction.
  6. Enhanced Safety Protocols: Improved safety equipment and protocols have made the construction process safer for workers.

Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction (2)

Conceptual Underground Construction

What materials are most commonly used in underground house construction and why?

A: The most commonly used materials in underground house construction include:

  1. Concrete: Often used for its strength, durability, and resistance to fire and pests. It’s ideal for bearing the heavy loads and pressures found underground.
  2. Reinforced Steel: Used in conjunction with concrete for added strength and stability.
  3. Waterproofing Membranes: Essential for preventing water ingress, these membranes protect the structure from moisture-related issues.
  4. Insulation Materials: Such as polystyrene or polyurethane foam, used to maintain temperature stability and energy efficiency.
  5. Glass and Transparent Materials: Used in areas like atriums or skylights to allow natural light to penetrate the underground space.
  6. Wood: Sometimes used for interior finishing due to its natural appearance and warmth, though it must be properly treated to resist moisture.

These materials are chosen for their ability to withstand underground conditions, such as moisture, soil pressure, and varying temperatures, while also supporting the unique architectural requirements of underground homes.

Underground Houses in the UK

What are the unique characteristics of underground houses in the UK?

Underground houses in the UK often feature:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Leveraging the earth’s insulating properties to reduce heating costs.
  2. Adaptation to Landscape: Many UK underground homes are built into hillsides or beneath gardens to preserve the natural landscape.
  3. Historical and Cultural Design Elements: Incorporating local architectural styles and materials to blend with traditional UK landscapes and heritage sites.

How do building regulations in the UK impact underground house construction?

UK building regulations impact underground house construction in several ways:

  1. Planning Permission: Often more stringent for underground homes to ensure they fit within the local environment and don’t disrupt the landscape.
  2. Safety Standards: Strict adherence to safety and environmental standards, especially concerning ventilation, waterproofing, and emergency exits.
  3. Energy Efficiency Requirements: The UK’s focus on sustainable building means underground homes must meet high energy efficiency standards.

Are there any notable examples of underground housing projects in the UK?

Notable examples in the UK include:

  1. Sedum House: Located in Norfolk, known for its eco-friendly design and grass roof.
  2. Underhill House in Gloucestershire: One of the first modern underground homes in the UK, blending into the natural landscape.
  3. Subterranean Mansion in Bowdon: A luxury underground home with modern amenities and unique design.

How does prefabrication benefit the construction of underground homes?

Prefabrication benefits include:

  1. Time Efficiency: Significantly reduces construction time as components are made off-site.
  2. Cost Reduction: Can be more cost-effective due to economies of scale in manufacturing.
  3. Quality Control: Factory conditions allow for higher precision and quality control in the construction of components.

What are some examples of modular components used in underground construction?

Examples include:

  1. Prefabricated Panels: For walls, ceilings, and floors.
  2. Modular Utility Units: Like bathroom and kitchen pods.
  3. Structural Elements: Such as beams and columns, pre-engineered for easy assembly.

How does modular construction impact the time and cost of building an underground house?

Modular construction reduces building time through pre-made components and simplifies on-site assembly, leading to lower labor costs. It can also minimise construction waste and associated disposal costs.

What is the average cost of building an underground house compared to a traditional house?

The cost can vary, but underground houses often have higher upfront costs due to excavation and waterproofing needs. However, long-term savings in energy can offset these initial expenses.

How can potential builders budget effectively for an underground construction project?

Effective budgeting involves:

  1. Detailed Cost Analysis: Including all aspects like excavation, materials, labor, and unforeseen contingencies.
  2. Consultation with Specialists: Engaging with architects and engineers experienced in underground construction for accurate estimates.
  3. Research on Incentives: Exploring government incentives or grants for sustainable housing projects.

Are there any cost-saving strategies specific to underground house construction?

Cost-saving strategies include:

  1. Using Natural Topography: Reducing excavation costs by utilising existing landscape features.
  2. Sustainable Design Choices: Like passive solar design to cut long-term energy costs.
  3. Opting for Simple, Efficient Designs: To reduce complexity and associated costs in construction.

What legal considerations must be taken into account when building an underground house?

Key legal considerations include:

  1. Planning Permission and Zoning Laws: Ensuring the construction aligns with local zoning regulations and obtaining the necessary planning permissions.
  2. Building Codes and Standards: Adhering to national and local building codes that address the unique aspects of underground construction, including structural integrity and emergency egress.
  3. Environmental Regulations: Compliance with environmental protection laws, especially if construction impacts natural habitats or protected areas.

How are safety concerns addressed in underground house design and construction?

Safety concerns are addressed through:

  1. Structural Safety: Ensuring the design can withstand soil pressure and environmental conditions like flooding or earthquakes.
  2. Ventilation Systems: Implementing advanced ventilation systems to ensure adequate air quality and humidity control.
  3. Emergency Exits and Access: Designing multiple emergency exits and ensuring easy access for emergency services.

What are the most common challenges faced in getting approval for underground house construction?

Common challenges in gaining approval include:

  1. Meeting Strict Building Codes: Often, underground homes have to meet more rigorous standards than traditional homes.
  2. Neighbourhood and Community Concerns: Addressing concerns from local communities or homeowners’ associations regarding the impact of construction.
  3. Environmental Impact Assessments: Demonstrating that the construction will not adversely affect the local environment, which can be a complex and time-consuming process.

Benefits and Challenges of underground housing

What are the key benefits of living in an underground house?

The key benefits include:

  • Energy Efficiency: Underground homes maintain a more consistent temperature, reducing heating and cooling costs.
  • Environmental Impact: They typically have a lower ecological footprint, blending into the landscape and reducing land usage.
  • Durability and Safety: Offering protection from extreme weather, these homes are often more durable and can provide a safer living environment.

What challenges do residents of underground houses typically face?

Residents may face challenges such as:

  • Limited Natural Light: Ensuring enough natural light can be challenging, requiring creative architectural solutions.
  • Moisture and Ventilation: Managing humidity and ensuring adequate ventilation to prevent air quality issues is crucial.
  • Public Perception and Financing: Overcoming misconceptions can be difficult, and securing financing or insurance might be more complex due to the unconventional nature of such homes.

How does underground living impact energy efficiency and environmental sustainability?

Underground living positively impacts energy efficiency and sustainability by:

  • Stabilising Indoor Temperatures: Utilising the earth’s insulating properties to maintain consistent temperatures.
  • Reducing Material Usage: Often requiring fewer materials for construction and maintenance.
  • Minimising Disturbance to Ecosystems: Preserving the natural landscape and biodiversity above ground.

Market and Availability

How has the market for underground houses evolved in recent years?

A: The market has seen growth due to:

  • Increased Environmental Awareness: Growing interest in sustainable living options.
  • Technological Advancements: Improved construction techniques making underground homes more feasible and appealing.
  • Changing Lifestyles: A shift towards unique and personalised living spaces.

Where are underground houses most commonly available for sale or construction?

They are commonly found in:

  • Areas with High Land Costs: Such as urban areas where maximising space is crucial.
  • Regions Prone to Extreme Weather: Offering safety from natural disasters.
  • Eco-conscious Communities: Where sustainable living is a priority.

What factors influence the resale value of an underground house?

Key factors include:

  • Location and Accessibility: Proximity to amenities and ease of access.
  • Quality of Construction and Maintenance: The durability and upkeep of the structure.
  • Energy Efficiency and Design: Unique design features and energy-saving capabilities can increase appeal.

Design and Aesthetics

How does the design of underground homes differ from traditional above-ground homes?

Key differences include:

  • Integration with Landscape: Designs often incorporate natural land contours and features.
  • Lighting and Ventilation: Special consideration for natural light sources and air circulation.
  • Structural Requirements: Enhanced focus on waterproofing and load-bearing aspects.

What are some innovative design features specific to underground houses?

Innovative features often include:

  • Green Roofs: Providing insulation and space for vegetation.
  • Skylights and Light Wells: Allowing natural light to penetrate deeper spaces.
  • Flexible Interior Spaces: Adaptable layouts due to the absence of load-bearing walls.

How can underground homes be designed to maximise natural light and open space?

Strategies include:

  • Strategic Placement of Windows and Skylights: To capture sunlight throughout the day.
  • Open Floor Plans: Enhancing the sense of space and light.
  • Reflective Surfaces and Colours: To distribute light more effectively throughout the home.

Environmental and Sustainable Aspects

How do underground houses contribute to sustainable living?

They contribute by:

  • Reducing Energy Consumption: Due to natural insulation properties.
  • Minimising Land Disturbance: Preserving natural landscapes and habitats on the surface.
  • Utilising Sustainable Materials: Often incorporating eco-friendly construction materials.

What are the environmental advantages of choosing an underground home?

Environmental advantages include:

  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Due to reduced energy needs and construction impact.
  • Water Conservation: Potential for integrating rainwater harvesting systems.
  • Biodiversity Preservation: Limiting disruption to surface ecosystems.

How are underground homes designed to minimise their ecological footprint?

Design strategies include:

  • Energy-Efficient Systems: Like geothermal heating and solar power integration.
  • Sustainable Material Use: Such as recycled, locally sourced, or low-impact materials.
  • Landscaping with Native Plants: To maintain local ecological balance.

Utilities and Infrastructure

What are the key considerations for utilities and infrastructure in underground houses?

Considerations include:

  • Reliable Ventilation Systems: To ensure air quality and humidity control.
  • Efficient Water and Sewage Management: Including waterproofing and drainage solutions.
  • Stable Electrical and Communication Installations: To prevent issues with dampness or grounding.

How are challenges like ventilation and drainage managed in underground construction?

They are managed by:

  • Advanced Ventilation Systems: Such as mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems (MVHR).
  • Comprehensive Waterproofing and Drainage Plans: To manage water flow and prevent moisture ingress.
  • Use of Non-Corrosive Materials: In areas susceptible to dampness.

What innovative solutions are used to provide utilities like electricity and water in underground homes?

Innovative solutions include:

  • Solar Power and Battery Storage: For renewable energy supply.
  • Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Recycling Systems: For water efficiency.
  • Smart Home Technologies: For optimising resource use and improving comfort.


  1. MandyMarch 18, 2011 at 12:00 am

    Hey, I might be doing a related project next year and I was wondering if you know if underground housing would be a cheaper solution to current eco/sustainable building designs. Any books or websites that could aid me with my research? Cheers Mandy

  2. HillbillyJuly 21, 2011 at 12:00 am

    I like the idea of underground homes because I worked on the Driling Rigs and I’ve driven across the provinces all over and seen all kinds of homes and places. One really good thing about an underground home is that you wouldn’t have your average theif try to break in to home. It’s the idea of, is their a home even their huh? It’s tornado resistant for one thing because I still remember the Tornado that happened in Edmonton Alberta and my family was living in Legal about 20 minutes away and we had shingles ripped off our roof. I was only 8 years old then but I’ll never forget being huddled in our neighbors basem*nt during that Tornado thank goodness!! I don’t live their now but about 1.5hrs north. But come hell or high water I’d rather be safe than sorry when trouble comes back to us.

  3. MikeSeptember 11, 2011 at 12:00 am

    Hi, I would like to learn more about below ground or pertially below ground house construction and waterproofing methods Also how difficult is it to obtain council planning? Regards, Mike

  4. bigfootJune 30, 2012 at 12:00 am

    would you be able to tell me where i can obtain oor soarse plans for undergroung housing onstruction.for 6 to 0 people.

  5. lightboxOctober 3, 2012 at 12:00 am

    You do need to allow in plenty of natural light in order for people to feel comfortable in an underground house. Whilst it wasn’t that way in the past, these days no one would really take to a troglodyte existence willing, especially with a family. Plan for plenty of windows and skylights to avoid the feel of living underground.

  6. shamiMarch 7, 2014 at 12:00 am

    Hello, my doubt is that in underground buildings, how the drainage system works?? If the site topography is sloped, its easy to drain the waste water. But if it is flat and if the municipal sewage line is just 1-2 meters below the ground , what type of drainage system will work?? Thanks in advance Shameer

  7. PipsqueakJune 5, 2014 at 12:00 am

    Please can you tell me what the regulations are in the UK for building underground- I am struggling to find anything? We want to build a workshop but would need to go down to be in the permitted permission bracket of 2.5m but I can’t find any rules about underground- we assume this height is from ground level?

  8. SustainableBuildJune 6, 2014 at 12:00 am

    @Pipsqueak. There are lots of rules for building underground in terms of structural supports, waterproofing, ventilation etc. Look at the many projects where people have built underground before – you’ll find them in places like Grand Designs etc. The best thing to do first for accurate information is to speak to your local planning and building control officers. They don’t charge you for having a conversation with them and will be able to tell you what is and what is not allowed and will also advise on what to include in your planning & building regs applications. Check outthe UK planning portaltoo for some useful links.

  9. RussellJuly 12, 2014 at 12:00 am

  10. asyFebruary 18, 2015 at 12:00 am

    thanks for understanding about underground space

  11. Mr. BlueSeptember 8, 2015 at 12:00 am

    I am needing some advice on underground construction. I am building a 4-5 level building mostly self sustainable, where I am running into my issues are with renewable water and building materials. Any advice would be appreciated, also, this is a LARGE building. I can not give you an exact Sqft. because the design is not yet finished, but think industrial size. Thank you in advanced, Me. Blue

  12. SustainableBuildSeptember 9, 2015 at 12:00 am

    Mr. Blue – Your Question:

    I am needing some advice on underground construction. I am building a 4-5 level building mostly self sustainable, where I am running into my issues are with renewable water and building materials. Any advice would be appreciated, also, this is a LARGE building. I can not give you an exact Sqft. because the design is not yet finished, but think industrial size.Thank you in advanced,Me. Blue

    Our Response:

    Sorry we can’t give individual advice as we do not have the details of your build. Hopefully these two article can help you:Water and Sustainable DesignandUsing Locally Sustainable Materials

  13. KMSeptember 22, 2015 at 12:00 am

    Hi, Im a civil engineering student. I’m currently doing a research about cave houses. Can you help me in the Procedure or Process in constructing the said house? Any websites you could offer will be a great help.

  14. ABJanuary 25, 2016 at 12:00 am

    i like the idea of underground construction from when i was a small kid. the place i grew up have lots of caves and very deep caves. Storm or tropical cyclone occur, cave is the safest place as well as building underground buildings. A good idea in war survival.

  15. cgowanFebruary 14, 2016 at 12:00 am

    Does anyone know what land you can purchase to build an underground home? Can you use pasture? Or greenbelt and what planning do you need?

  16. SustainableBuildFebruary 16, 2016 at 12:00 am

    cgowan – Your Question:

    Does anyone know what land you can purchase to build an underground home? Can you use pasture? Or greenbelt and what planning do you need?

    Our Response:

    You usually need land that is designated for residential use regardless of whether the home is underground. Speak to you local planning officer for advice.

  17. WillMarch 7, 2016 at 12:00 am

    Hi there. Is there any information specifically about damp proofing and ventilation concerning floors and walls in underground houses? I’ll be using a cut away into a hill side. . So an elevated build by your definition. Thanks

  18. rammiMarch 7, 2016 at 12:00 am

    how can we produce sufficient amount of ventilation for all rooms in under ground buildings n how can manage air in the rooms sufficient for human beings.

  19. WannabeApril 12, 2016 at 12:00 am

    Does anyone have experience of building an underground home in solid chalk … (Undisturbed for millions of years) Is it advisable?

  20. SBJune 2, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Hi, We have some land which we want to put underground rooms in, for holiday lets. Can anyone please tell us, where I can buy prefab underground rooms? Ideally from the UK or Europe. Thanks

  21. AMLHOctober 14, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Hi, We have some land which we want to put underground rooms in, for holiday lets. Can anyone please tell us, where I can buy prefab underground rooms? Ideally from the UK or Europe. Thanks

  22. CkFebruary 3, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Could you advise who we would approach in first instance to carry out a feasibility study? North Devon UK

  23. walkmanOctober 9, 2018 at 12:00 am

    i want to have underground house in africa what are the materials i can use without importing and can last for so long never to spoil the house

  24. OllyOctober 11, 2018 at 12:00 am

    Is it possible to build an underground home on agricultural land by digging a space for a metal lorry container placing the container in along with water supply and electric. The entrance would be concrete steps down to the entrance with maybe a small space at and around the bottom on the steps and entrance. The big question I’m wondering is would this type of construction need planing permission. Have any homes been constructed below ground like this in the U.K.

  25. AlisonJanuary 5, 2019 at 12:00 am

    Hello, can you tell me the source for the statement on 80% savings in energy costs? “The earth’s subsurface temperature remains stable, so underground dwellings benefit from geothermal mass and heat exchange, staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This saves around 80% in energy costs.” Thank you!

  26. https://contractorsiMarch 7, 2019 at 12:00 am

    This was a excellent informative post you have shared on this page about the resident form in uk but In the summer, that 55-degree soil will also keep your home much cooler than an above ground home. Many earth homes incorporate passive solar designs, lessening even further the need for fuel for heating or cooling. Thanks.

  27. JakeDecember 2, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I know of hand dug chalk mine tunnels at Scotia Nebraska under a very large hill. It is open for tours/exploration even though large chunks of chalk have dropped from the ceiling.

  28. BevDecember 4, 2019 at 12:00 am

    I have lived in an underground home in michigan for 20 years. Built in 1979. I love it. Doesnt need much heat nor air in summer. A whisper fan from outside blows fresh air 24/7. If I were building new, I would add tubular skylight thru out and a back exit with stairs up to my barn.

  29. KyleJanuary 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

    As a certified home inspector, one detail that caught my attention is the lack of emergency egress. In a normal home that would be a window meeting certain criteria. If the underground house catches on fire, are people going to be trapped?

  30. Kim2April 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    To build the underground home.. great idea! How do you hook up to electric municipal grid? Water lines? Or I have accessible water around me for this. Love solar panels, tubing for light and 80 % energy saving! From Canada

  31. bobMay 6, 2020 at 12:00 am

    hi, thinking of building a man cave underground as its only a small garden and cant build over ground. what way is the best to build it?

  32. lynnJuly 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

    looking for a way to create an underground efficiency. It doesn’t have to be large; just enough room for a restroom and combination living/kitchen. I am not sure how to set up heating or cooling, but I feel certain it would be much less. Also, I would hope there could be a kind of set design roof for light and even light-generated heat if needed. I hope there are some groups who may see the opportunity to create, small energy efficient additions to already established houses. I feel this could really help the average person. I hope some bright individual could come up with designs for just such temporary living for comfort when needed and to cut their energy costs at the same time. For me small and efficient would be wonderful. I hope there are groups with this expertise already and if not, someone may see the profit of creating small energy efficiencies for the general public at a much lower cost than what those average, working class persons are paying for homes today.

  33. Not got oneJuly 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Do you need planning permission to build underground and on Farmland and if not is there an organisation or a help number to get you started

  34. Gray20August 19, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Hi, looking to build some subterranean living under my garden. Approximately 15m x7m Bedrooms, gym and office.. want to use icf blocks I am a builder and currently carry out large projects up to 150k. I have never done any underground building or basem*nt work. Looking for help/suggestions for planning etc ??

  35. Cha24November 15, 2020 at 12:00 am

    Hello, I’m in a partially underground property. We have been here a month, it is a flat with other buildings above. We have come across a chronic mould issue in the property. There are no vents in the property for air flow. 50 % of the property has no windows. The kitchen and bathroom being the half that doesn’t. We have an extractor hood in the kitchen, and a terrible extractor fan in the bathroom. The landlord issued us a dehumidifier, but it is not helping. He now plans to put some form of a fan into the wall. I am unsure this will actually help if the dehumidifier and everything we’re doing to prevent it, isn’t changing things. Please can you offer any thoughts. Thanks

  36. JohnathenApril 3, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Has anyone seen this underground 3-bedroom property built in 1996 in the outskirts of London? Looks amazing in such a tight location big too, big roof garden you would never know its there.

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Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction (3)


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This company ismy way of pushing the awareness of better indoor air quality, something thatI am personally passionate about due to my own children’s breathing medical conditions. I just couldn’t paint with big brand standard petrochemical paint any longer and wanted another solution.

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Digging Deep: The Innovative World of Underground Construction (2024)
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