Country house for sale in France (2024)


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Stunning 4 acres property with manor house and outbuildings


305 m2



19838 m2

398 500 €

Ref #: LB5477N

Sole agent

Between Couches and Autun, farmhouse set in 10 ha of meadows


188 m2



100575 m2

375 000 €

Ref #: PM5435D

Our fave

Between Mediterranean Sea, Montpellier, Nîmes and Camargue.

ST NAZAIRE DE PEZAN, HERAULT, Languedoc-Roussillon

849 000 €

Ref #: 11-2491

LB5477N: Stunning 4 acres property with manor house and outbuildings

398 500 €

More ...

', lat: '46.9186538', lon: '2.8981441', title: 'Stunning 4 acres property with manor house and outbuildings'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (4)

PM5435D: Between Couches and Autun, farmhouse set in 10 ha of meadows

375 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.9065534', lon: '4.5184863', title: 'Between Couches and Autun, farmhouse set in 10 ha of meadows'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (5)

11-2491: Between Mediterranean Sea, Montpellier, Nmes and Camargue.

849 000 €

More ...

', lat: '43.6439962', lon: '4.1194199', title: 'Between Mediterranean Sea, Montpellier, Nmes and Camargue.'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (6)

11-2490: Privileged setting with gorgeous views

975 000 €

More ...

', lat: '43.4223376', lon: '2.9463660', title: 'Privileged setting with gorgeous views'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (7)

DF5472C: Confortable Character house, inside pool, 295m2.

315 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.5156371', lon: '3.8558482', title: 'Confortable Character house, inside pool, 295m2.'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (8)

09-6851: 17th century property with pool and views

465 000 €

More ...

', lat: '43.5411609', lon: '2.9764905', title: '17th century property with pool and views'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (9)

AP03007659: Character property for sale in SAINT VICTOR MONTVIANEIX

495 000 €

More ...

', lat: '45.9052936', lon: '3.6292116', title: 'Character property for sale in SAINT VICTOR MONTVIANEIX'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (10)

BH5434H: Bressane house with barn, great opportunity

79 950 €

More ...

', lat: '46.7710331', lon: '5.1357209', title: 'Bressane house with barn, great opportunity'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (11)

DF5469C: Country side house with two large barns.

225 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.7083526', lon: '3.9740898', title: 'Country side house with two large barns.'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (12)

09-6852: Small country shed with vines, olives and views.

120 000 €

More ...

', lat: '43.4492596', lon: '3.0484013', title: 'Small country shed with vines, olives and views.'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (13)

DF5465C: Small oasis with potential. Habitable to renovate.

50 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.5533561', lon: '4.2192773', title: 'Small oasis with potential. Habitable to renovate.'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (14)

PM5467D: Magnificent 7-room character house near Sully

250 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.9886414', lon: '4.4302443', title: 'Magnificent 7-room character house near Sully'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (15)

CH5464L: Morvan farmhouse in the Ternin valley

85 000 €

More ...

', lat: '47.1711582', lon: '4.1533460', title: 'Morvan farmhouse in the Ternin valley'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (16)

JP5461S: Charming country house with large garden north of Cluny

159 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.6152579', lon: '4.5562248', title: 'Charming country house with large garden north of Cluny'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (17)

CH5463L: Authentic stone cottage in East Morvan

150 000 €

More ...

', lat: '47.0883894', lon: '4.3380094', title: 'Authentic stone cottage in East Morvan'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (18)

CvH5455L: Charming farmhouse to be completely renovated

35 000 €

More ...

', lat: '47.2573574', lon: '3.6843720', title: 'Charming farmhouse to be completely renovated'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (19)

LB5454N: Beautiful little gem near Varzy

59 000 €

More ...

', lat: '47.2450908', lon: '3.3671838', title: 'Beautiful little gem near Varzy'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (20)

JP5412S: 2 bedroom stone house, small garden and nice view

135 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.5428028', lon: '4.4561214', title: '2 bedroom stone house, small garden and nice view'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (21)

BH5361L: Hamlet with 4 houses in beautiful valley in the Morvan

525 000 €

More ...

', lat: '47.0893240', lon: '4.1640433', title: 'Hamlet with 4 houses in beautiful valley in the Morvan'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (22)

AP03007953: Character property for sale in ECHANDELYS

275 000 €

More ...

', lat: '45.5166734', lon: '3.5212528', title: 'Character property for sale in ECHANDELYS'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (23)

BH5262H: Large house in National Forest parc

270 000 €

More ...

', lat: '47.6655942', lon: '4.7359125', title: 'Large house in National Forest parc'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (24)

AP03007923: Character property for sale in LAPEYROUSE

258 000 €

More ...

', lat: '46.1933954', lon: '2.7550476', title: 'Character property for sale in LAPEYROUSE'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (25)

09-6755: Alone in the world, or almost

159 000 €

More ...

', lat: '43.5004888', lon: '3.0306769', title: 'Alone in the world, or almost'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (26)

EL5086: A lovingly renovated vintners house Madiran region

350 000 €

More ...

', lat: '42.9783247', lon: '0.7059855', title: 'A lovingly renovated vintners house Madiran region'},{html: '

Country house for sale in France (27)

LBD489: Renovated farmhouse with pool and superb view

350 000 €

More ...

', lat: '43.3548656', lon: '0.3172767', title: 'Renovated farmhouse with pool and superb view'},]}; //GOOD EXAMPLES: // // // function llmapinit() { var region_specific = 'false'; var Zoom = (region_specific ? 7 : 5); Zoom=6; //console.log(Zoom); var map ='llmap', { center: [47.040182144806664, 2.5927734375], //center: [], zoom: Zoom, scrollWheelZoom: false, dragging: false, doubleClickZoom: false, //zoomControl: false, }); //console.log('6'); L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'France4U © OpenStreetMap contributors', maxZoom: 12, minZoom: 6, //id: 'mapbox.streets', accessToken: '' }).addTo(map); var markers = L.markerClusterGroup({ removeOutsideVisibleBounds:false, chunkedLoading: true, maxClusterRadius:35, showCoverageOnHover:false, iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) { // return L.divIcon({ html: '

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Country house for sale in France (2024)


Why is property in rural France so cheap? ›

Additionally, the fact that mechanisation, which arrived relatively late in France, meant farms could operate with fewer people, helped push even more people into the cities. Many rural properties were either left empty, or used only as holiday homes. With lots of supply and little demand, prices fell.

Is it difficult for an American to buy property in France? ›

You may be happy to know France does not currently have restrictions against buying property as a foreigner. However, the process may be trickier for you than for French residents. You will have to deal with a lot of due diligence and paperwork. A French property lawyer can assist with this.

Is buying a house in France a good investment? ›

French property prices have remained relatively stable in recent years, making it an attractive option for long-term investment.

Does buying a house in France give you residency? ›

Is It Possible to Buy Property and Get Residency in France? France doesn't enable foreigners to get residency for becoming an owner of a property, regardless of its price.

Which part of France is cheapest to buy property? ›

Central France - cheapest property prices in France

The relatively sparsely populated departments in Central France (Creuse, Vienne, Haute Vienne, Indre, Cher, Allier and Loiret) have traditionally been the cheapest places to buy property in France. This remains the case in 2024.

What are the pitfalls of buying a house in France? ›

You will potentially have to add, for example, estate agent's fees (if the sale is concluded through an agent), Notary fees, land registration fees, possibly exchange rate surcharges, loan fees, and lawyer's fees. Be careful not to pay cash to the seller in order that the seller pays lower taxes.

How long can I stay in France if I own a house? ›

Once you have bought your dream home in France If you would like to relocate to France or visit for longer than 90 days you will require a visa, which is easy to obtain once you are the owner of a French property. You may wish to apply for a Long stay visa valid for residence (VLS-TS).

Can I retire in France as an American? ›

For example, Americans who retire in France typically apply for a long-stay visitor visa. An important component of the application involves providing proof of sufficient financial resources that meet or exceed France's minimum wage, known as the SMIC. This amount is 1,398.69 euros after taxes (net), or about $1,500.

Can an American move to France permanently? ›

Can a US citizen live in France permanently? Yes, US citizens can move to France permanently, but there are several legal requirements involved. First, you must apply for your long-stay visa and be sure to renew it every year.

Where is the best place in France to buy property? ›

Best locations to buy
  • Provence – beautiful coastline and spectacular inland scenery.
  • Paris – a buzzing lifestyle.
  • The majesty of the French Alps.
  • Dordogne – for countryside lovers.
  • Bordeaux – perfect for investors.

What taxes do you pay when buying a house in France? ›

Aside from the agreed property purchase price of your French property, you will need to account for Droit de Mutation (stamp duty), which is levied at 5.8% for all properties sold that are over five years old. New property developments attract a stamp duty charge of 0.7% plus VAT.

What is the average deposit for a house in France? ›

Deposit. For a French mortgage, you will generally need a minimum deposit of at least 15% to 25% of the property's purchase price, with rates that are fixed or variable. “The max for a repayment loan is 85%, but there is only one lender who will go this high,” John comments. “Generally 80% is the highest available.

How much money do you need to get residency in France? ›

Proof that you have sufficient financial resources

Normally, individuals who do not hold a passport of an EU-member country, will need to show that they have an annual/monthly income of more than the French minimum wage, which 01 1 January 2024 was €1,766.92 per month (Gross), around €1,400 per month (net).

Do I need a French bank account to buy a house in France? ›

A French bank account is essential if you plan to buy a property or take out a mortgage in France. It's also useful for everyday living in France if you want to make your purchases in euros, even if you are just on holiday.

How much is the golden visa for France? ›

To qualify for this visa, applicants are required to make an immediate investment of at least EUR 50,000 in their intended project. Additionally, a commitment to invest a total of EUR 300,000 over the span of four years is necessary.

Is it expensive to live in rural France? ›

The cost of living in France is higher than in neighboring western European countries; however, Paris is one of the main reasons for this. The rest of the country, particularly the countryside and the south of France, has a lower cost of living.

Why are chateaus in France so cheap? ›

Why are so many castles in Europe for sale cheaper than some American mansions? Because many castles are very old, and in need of very expensive repairs, that will be supervised by heritiage bodies, so no shortcuts. They often have difficult access and other problems as well.

Why are houses in Normandy so cheap? ›

Supply V Demand

In Normandy there are enough houses to meet demand (unlike the South East of England) for the amount of people and surface area. We cannot say the same for the larger French cities eg Paris, Bordeaux, Rennes etc and these will come at a premium, much as you would expect in any major city the world.

Why was France willing to sell US land for so cheap? ›

The reason why France was willing to sell the French Territory to the United States was to have access to the Port of New Orleans. This was the most significant factor behind the Louisiana Purchase. The Port of New Orleans was a vital trade route for French goods.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.