321 Positive Words that Start with L (Kind and Nice L Words in English) • 7ESL (2024)


If you’re looking for a specific type of positive word, we’re here to help! This list of nice, kind, and positive words that start with L is organized into sections by part of speech. It’s also alphabetized and includes definitions!

Positive Words that Start with L

What Are Positive Words that Start with L?

Using positive words is a lovely way to put a little more positivity into your life and the lives of those around you. When you look at the positive side of things, it can make an impact on your interactions and how far you go in the world. Obviously, this doesn’t fix everything, but it can certainly help you make a good impression!

Some positive words that start with L include lavish, lighthearted, lively, lucky, loving, and legendary.

List of Common Positive Words that Start with L

Positive L Adjectives

  • Laudable
  • Laudatory
  • Laughing
  • Lavish
  • Leading
  • Leading-edge
  • Learned
  • Legendary
  • Leisure
  • Levitating
  • Liberated
  • Liberating
  • Light
  • Lighthearted
  • Likable
  • Limitless
  • Lionhearted
  • Lively
  • Logical
  • Logicalistic
  • Logicality
  • Long-lasting
  • Lovable
  • Loveable
  • Lovely
  • Loving
  • Lovingly
  • Loyal
  • Lucid
  • Lucky
  • Lucrative
  • Luculent
  • Luminiferous
  • Luminous
  • Luscious
  • Lustrous
  • Luxuriant
  • Luxurious
  • Lyrical

Positive L Verbs

  • Labor
  • Land
  • Lap up
  • Largen
  • Latch on to
  • Laud
  • Laugh
  • Launch
  • Lavish
  • Lay down
  • Lead
  • Leap
  • Leapfrog
  • Learn
  • Lecture
  • Legalize
  • Legitimize
  • Lend
  • Lengthen
  • Lessen
  • Let
  • Level
  • Levitate
  • Liaise
  • Liberate
  • Librate
  • License
  • Lift
  • Light up
  • Light upon
  • Lighten
  • Like
  • Limit
  • Linger
  • Link
  • Liquefy
  • List
  • Listen
  • Live
  • Liven
  • Load
  • Loaf
  • Lobby
  • Localize
  • Locate
  • Lock
  • Lodge
  • Log
  • Lollygag
  • Long
  • Look
  • Look after
  • Look for
  • Look up to
  • Loosen
  • Lope
  • Lose
  • Love
  • Lower
  • Lull
  • Lumber
  • Luxate
  • Luxuriate

Positive L Nouns

  • Landmark
  • Largesse
  • Lark
  • Laudation
  • Lauds
  • Laugh
  • Laughter
  • Lawfulness
  • Lead
  • Leader
  • Leadership
  • League
  • Learning
  • Legacy
  • Legend
  • Leisure
  • Leniency
  • Lesson
  • Letting-go
  • Liberation
  • Liberty
  • Life
  • Lifeblood
  • Light
  • Lightness
  • Likability
  • Likeness
  • Lilt
  • Limitlessness
  • Link
  • Linking
  • Lionheart
  • Listener
  • Liveliness
  • Livelong
  • Logic
  • Long-term
  • Longevity
  • Lore
  • Love
  • Lover
  • Loyalist
  • Loyalty
  • Lucidity
  • Luck
  • Luminance
  • Luminary
  • Luminosity
  • Lusciousness
  • Luster
  • Lustrousness
  • Luxe
  • Luxuriance
  • Luxury

Positive Adjectives that Start with L

  • Laudatory– Something being said that includes praise or compliments.
  • Leisure– Personal, relaxing time, such as while on vacation. Also, in your own time frame.
  • Light– The opposite of dark, both figuratively and literally. Something light is easy to see, uplifting, not heavy.
  • Likable– Something or someone easy to appreciate or to want to be around.
  • Lively– Full of life and energy. Often bright colors, jaunty.
  • Logical– Things that make sense according to facts and patterns.
  • Loyal– Unwavering, especially in areas of support, help, love, and devotion.
  • Lucrative– Something that makes a lot of money.
  • Luminous– Full of light.
  • Luscious– Wonderfully rich, sweet, or delicious.

Related: Adjectives that Start with L

Positive Verbs that Start with L

  • Land– To arrive safely on ground. Also, to succeed in securing a deal or date.
  • Launch– To start. Also, to get something off the ground, typically at high speed, both literally and figuratively.
  • Lavish– To give someone a lot of things, especially nice things. Can be tangible things or words.
  • Learn– To gain new knowledge.
  • Let– To allow.
  • Liberate– To free from restrictions or unjust laws.
  • Lift– To raise, either literally, as in from the ground, or figuratively, such as to lift someone’s spirits.
  • Like– To be fond of or appreciative of someone or something.
  • Listen– To hear and internalize what is being said.
  • Love– To feel very deep affection.

Positive Nouns that Start with L

  • Lark– A thing that’s done purely for fun or diversion.
  • Laugh– An expression of humor that is generally audible and reflexive.
  • Lead– An idea of what direction to go. Also, a way to help people follow.
  • League– An organized group of people who come together for a purpose.
  • Legend– A story or person who is known by many or most. Also, the part of a map or code that helps you translate or understand what you’re looking at.
  • Lesson– A thing that can be learned.
  • Link– A tie between two or more people or things, either literal as in a chain link fence or figurative as in a common experience.
  • Luck– Something happening by chance instead of through skill. Usually positive unless otherwise specified.
  • Luster– Shine.
  • Luxury– A situation or lifestyle that includes being surrounded by nice, extravagant, or fancy things.

Luckily, this list of positive words that start with L will linger here for as long as you’d like! Look back at it as frequently as you need to.

Positive Words that Start with L | Image

321 Positive Words that Start with L (Kind and Nice L Words in English) • 7ESL (1)

Nice Words that Start with L

List of Nice, Positive Words that Start with L

  • Loveable
  • Luminous
  • Lively
  • Lavish
  • Luxurious
  • Lovely
  • Lucky
  • Laughable
  • Lustrous
  • Lucid
  • Limitless
  • Leading
  • Light-hearted
  • Likeable
  • Loving
  • Laudable
  • Legendary
  • Luxuriant
  • Liberating
  • Learned
  • Long-lasting
  • Level-headed
  • Liberal
  • Lenient
  • Logical
  • Lofty
  • Loving-kindness
  • Low-key
  • Loyal
  • Life-affirming
  • Luscious
  • Literate
  • Lawful
  • Leader
  • Likable
  • Life-giving
  • Luxuriate
  • Laudatory
  • Laid-back
  • Large-hearted
  • Larkish
  • Luminiferous
  • Luminance
  • Life-like
  • Limpid
  • Legit
  • Life-enhancing
  • Listenable
  • Lovely-jubbly

Common Nice Words that Start with L with Meanings

  • Love: an intense feeling of affection and care towards someone or something
  • Laughter: the sound of happiness or amusem*nt; a form of expression that shows joy
  • Light: the opposite of darkness; something that illuminates and brings clarity; a symbol of hope and positivity
  • Leisurely: done at a relaxed, unhurried pace; taking time to enjoy and appreciate the moment
  • Lively: full of energy, enthusiasm, or activity; animated or spirited
  • Learned: having acquired knowledge or education through study and experience; knowledgeable or erudite
  • Luminous: emitting or reflecting light; shining or glowing; bright or brilliant
  • Legendary: famous or renowned; celebrated in stories or legends; mythical or extraordinary
  • Limitless: without limits or boundaries; infinite or boundless; unrestricted or unbounded
  • Logical: based on reason, sound judgment, or careful consideration; consistent with the principles of logic
  • Lovely: charming, attractive, or beautiful; inspiring love or admiration; delightful or enjoyable
  • Lucky: favored by fortune or chance; having good luck or success; fortunate or auspicious
  • Luxury: a state of great comfort, extravagance, or indulgence; something that provides pleasure or enjoyment
  • Loyal: faithful, devoted, or dedicated to someone or something; showing allegiance or steadfastness
  • Light-hearted: carefree, cheerful, or humorous; not serious or heavy; playful or amusing
  • Likeable: easy to like or befriend; pleasant or agreeable; appealing or attractive
  • Listening: paying attention to what someone is saying or communicating; being receptive or open-minded
  • Leading: taking charge or being at the forefront; being a role model or setting an example
  • Laudable: deserving praise, admiration, or recognition; commendable or praiseworthy
  • Logical: based on reason, sound judgment, or careful consideration; consistent with the principles of logic
  • Loveable: easy to love or feel affection for; lovable or endearing

Kind and Positive Words that Start with L

  • Large-hearted
  • Larkish
  • Laudable
  • Laughing
  • Laughter
  • Learning
  • Legendary
  • Lenient
  • Liberated
  • Liberating
  • Life-affirming
  • Life-changing
  • Life-giving
  • Life-sustaining
  • Light
  • Light-hearted
  • Lightening
  • Like-minded
  • Likeable
  • Limitless
  • Lionhearted
  • Listener
  • Lithe
  • Lofty
  • Logical
  • Long-lasting
  • Long-sighted
  • Long-standing
  • Lovable
  • Love
  • Loveable
  • Loved
  • Lovely
  • Loving
  • Loving-kindness
  • Lovingly
  • Low-key
  • Loyal
  • Lucid
  • Lucky
  • Lucrative
  • Luminance
  • Luminiferous
  • Luminous
  • Luscious
  • Lusciousness
  • Lustrate
  • Lustrous
  • Luxuriant
  • Luxuriate
  • Luxurious
  • Lyrical

Inspirational Words that Start with L

  • Light
  • Luminous
  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Leadership
  • Learning
  • Legacy
  • Limitless
  • Liberation
  • Listen
  • Lively
  • Longevity
  • Loyalty
  • Luminary
  • Luxuriant
  • Lovely
  • Luck
  • Luxe
  • Luxuriate
  • Logical
  • Largesse
  • Levity
  • Live
  • Livelyhood
  • Lovable
  • Learner
  • Leniency
  • Liberating
  • Loyalist
  • Learnt
  • Leverage
  • Loving-kindness
  • Lightning
  • Loveable
  • Low-cost
  • Long-suffering
  • Listener
  • Lucidity

Positive Words that Start with L to Describe a Person

List of Positive L Words to Describe a Person

  • Loving
  • Loyal
  • Leader
  • Lively
  • Likeable
  • Limitless
  • Logical
  • Learned
  • Lucid
  • Lucky
  • Light-hearted
  • Lenient
  • Listener
  • Laudable
  • Lovely
  • Level-headed
  • Legendary
  • Long-sighted
  • Liberated
  • Luxurious
  • Laughing
  • Logical
  • Lucky
  • Lustrous
  • Law-abiding
  • Luminous
  • Logical
  • Lively
  • Loving-kindness
  • Liberal-minded

Positive L Words to Describe a Person with Meanings

  • Leader – someone who leads or guides others with vision, confidence, and integrity
  • Lively – full of energy, enthusiasm, and excitement
  • Limitless – having no limits or bounds; infinite
  • Learned – having a lot of knowledge or education
  • Lucid – clear and easy to understand; rational and coherent
  • Lucky – fortunate and blessed with good things or opportunities
  • Light-hearted – cheerful, carefree, and humorous
  • Lenient – tolerant and forgiving; not strict or harsh
  • Listener – someone who actively listens and pays attention to others
  • Laudable – deserving praise and admiration; commendable
  • Lovely – charming and attractive; delightful and pleasant
  • Level-headed – calm and composed in difficult situations
  • Legendary – well-known and celebrated for exceptional achievements or qualities
  • Long-sighted – having foresight and planning for the future
  • Liberated – free from restrictions and limitations; independent

Fun L Words that Are Positive

  • Lollipop
  • Lavender
  • Lagoon
  • Lightning
  • Luminous
  • Lively
  • Luminosity
  • Luscious
  • Leaping
  • Lullaby
  • Lucky
  • Lush
  • Lunar
  • Lapel
  • Leopard
  • Lava
  • Limelight
  • Labyrinth
  • Lemonade
  • Lipstick
  • Laughter
  • Lineage
  • Lollygag
  • Loquacious
  • Lantern
  • Ladybug
  • Loafers
  • Lingerie
  • Lyrical
  • Leafy
  • Limpid
  • Liberty
  • Limestone
  • Leverage
  • Luminance
  • Locomotion
  • Lyrical
  • Lattice
  • Livid
  • Leotard
  • Locomotive
  • Languorous
  • Lollypop
  • Levity
  • Lens
  • Linger
  • Lament
  • Lusciousness
  • Licorice
  • Loudly
  • Laconic
  • Labyrinthine
  • Lucid
  • Landmark
  • Lachrymose
  • Lark
  • Logical
  • Lambent
  • Legerdemain
  • Limbo

Positive L Words (by Length)

List of Short Positive Words that Start with L

  • Love
  • Lively
  • Learn
  • Lucky
  • Light
  • Lucid
  • Like
  • Leap
  • Lovely
  • Liberty
  • Luxe
  • Lux
  • Lush
  • Limitless
  • Loving
  • Life

List of Long Positive Words that Start with L

  • Liberality
  • Luminosity
  • Longevity
  • Luxuriance
  • Loving-kindness
  • Loquaciousness
  • Laudability
  • Lavishness
  • Levity
  • Life-affirming
  • Largesse
  • Lightheartedness
  • Lucrativeness
  • Legitimacy
  • Leverageable
  • Lengthiness
  • Laudableness
  • Lofty-mindedness
  • Lionheartedness
  • Luminiferous
  • Largely-accepted
  • Lovingness
  • Learner-centered
  • Logistical
  • Learnedness
  • Linguistically-diverse
  • Luminescence
  • Law-abidingness
  • Legendary
  • Leisureliness

FAQs on Positive Words that Start with L

What are positive words?

Positive words are words that bring positive emotions, including joy, contentment, hope, and pride. They often carry a happy, excited, or peaceful feeling and create an atmosphere of optimism in any conversation.

What are some positive words that start with L to describe a person?

Some positive words that start with L to describe a person are loyal, lively, loving, light-hearted, levelheaded, legalistic, liberal and logical.

Jump to the full list.

What are some words that start with L?

The letter L can be found in many words, including lovely, lemur, lagoon, lightening, levitate, lettered and lettuce. There are lots of adjectives and verbs that start with the letter L such as ludicrous, longevity and love.

Jump to the full list.

Resources Related to Positive L Words

Words that Start with L

  • Adjectives that Start with L
  • Positive Adjectives Starting with L
  • Nouns that Start with L
  • Verbs that Start with L
  • Things that Start with L
  • Animals that Start with L

Words to Describe a Person

  • Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person
  • Adjectives To Describe A Person
  • Adjectives to Describe Yourself
  • Personality Adjectives
  • Positive Adjectives
  • Describing Physical Appearance
  • Mood Words
  • Feeling Words
  • Emotion Words

Positive Words from A to Z

  • Positive Words that Start with A
  • Positive Words that Start with B
  • Positive Words that Start with C
  • Positive Words that Start with D
  • Positive Words that Start with E
  • Positive Words that Start with F
  • Positive Words that Start with G
  • Positive Words that Start with H
  • Positive Words that Start with I
  • Positive Words that Start with J
  • Positive Words that Start with K
  • Positive Words that Start with L
  • Positive Words that Start with M
  • Positive Words that Start with N
  • Positive Words that Start with O
  • Positive Words that Start with P
  • Positive Words that Start with Q
  • Positive Words that Start with R
  • Positive Words that Start with S
  • Positive Words that Start with T
  • Positive Words that Start with U
  • Positive Words that Start with V
  • Positive Words that Start with W
  • Positive Words that Start with X
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  • Positive Words that Start with Z
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321 Positive Words that Start with L (Kind and Nice L Words in English) • 7ESL (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.