10 Ways to Find HMO Property for Sale (2024)

Are you looking to invest in an HMO property? Finding the right HMO property for sale can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the market.

However, with the right strategy, you can find HMO properties that meet your investment goals.

HMOs, or Houses in Multiple Occupation, offer unique opportunities that can often far exceed the financial returns on your vanilla buy-to-let (BTL) investment.

This article is your "to the point" roadmap, where we reveal ten proven ways to uncover HMO properties for sale, including those elusive off-market deals.

Whether you're a seasoned successful property investor or a newcomer, these strategies will empower your search.

Understanding HMO properties

Defining HMO property

An HMO property is a type of rental property where three or more unrelated tenants share communal areas such as the kitchen or bathroom. Each tenant has their own private bedroom. I

In some cases, an HMO property can also be a converted house or flat.

HMO properties are popular among students, young professionals, and people on mid-lower incomes.

They offer affordable accommodation and a sense of community, which is why they are in high demand in many areas, particularly in larger towns/cities.

Benefits of investing in HMOs

Investing in HMO properties can be a smart move for many reasons. Here are some of the benefits:

  • High rental yields: HMO properties can generate higher rental yields than traditional buy-to-let properties. This is because you can charge each tenant a separate rent, which can add up to a higher total than renting the property to a single tenant.
  • Lower void periods: HMO properties tend to have lower void periods than traditional buy-to-let properties. This is because if one tenant moves out, you still have other tenants paying rent, which can help to cover the mortgage and other expenses.
  • Diversification: Investing in HMO properties can help to diversify your property portfolio. If one property is vacant, you still have income coming in from your other properties.
  • Potential for capital growth: HMO properties can offer the potential for capital growth, especially if you buy in an area that is up-and-coming or in high demand.

Understanding the intricacies of HMO property is essential if you want to invest in this type of property.

By defining what an HMO property is and highlighting the benefits of investing in HMOs, you can make an informed decision about whether this type of investment is right for you –it’s not for the faint hearted, and you’ll see why later in this article.

Finding HMO properties for sale

Time for the nuts and bolts of what you can do to increase your changes of snapping up HMO real estate for your portfolio.

Let’s go!

1. Navigate online sites for HMO property

Use the digital platforms to your advantage

The available online property portals are simply indispensable. They're your first stop in the hunt for HMO property for sale. Sites like Rightmove and Zoopla offer extensive listings, as do more niche platforms like Property Filter, AgentHMO and the Property Advantage.

But here's the trick – filter your searches. Specify "HMO" in your criteria where ever there is the opportunity. You may have to go the long route and "Ctrl + F" / "Command + F" to search for "HMO" on different listings and see if any of the estate agents mention it.

Mastering search tactics

Don't just skim the surface. Dive deeper with advanced search features. Look for properties with multiple rooms or bathrooms. Such details often indicate potential HMOs.

Regularly check these portals. New listings pop up daily. Be the first to spot emerging opportunities.

Create email alerts for immediate updates

Time is of the essence in property deals. Set up alerts on these portals. Specify your criteria for HMO properties. You'll receive instant notifications about new listings. This proactive measure ensures you never miss a promising lead.

2. Unearth HMO deals at property auctions

Discovering HMO property for sale at auctions

HMO property auctions are a goldmine for finding HMO properties for sale. These events often feature properties with significant investment potential, including HMOs, student accommodation and everything in between.

Stay informed about upcoming auctions and their listings. Research properties beforehand to identify those with HMO potential.

Strategies for successful auction bids

Bidding at auctions requires a balance of boldness and caution. Here's a few tips to get you best prepared:

  • Prepare a budget and stick to it
  • Understand the value of the HMO property for sale to avoid overbidding
  • Attend a few auctions as an observer before frantically committing and bidding anything

Be cautious at first, and get a feel for the bidding process. It prepares you to make confident, well-informed bids when the right HMO property comes up.

Assessing HMO potential at auctions

Not all properties are immediately suitable for HMO use.

Evaluate each property's potential for conversion into an HMO. Consider factors like location, room layout, and required renovations. Understanding these aspects is crucial for effective HMO property management post-purchase.

Networking for insights and opportunities

Auctions are also networking hubs. Connect with fellow investors and professionals. These relationships can lead to tips about future HMO property for sale and advice on HMO property management. Leverage these contacts to gain insider knowledge and support in your HMO investment journey.

3. Leverage estate agent connections for exclusive deals

Find HMO property for sale via agents

A local estate agent's expertise and networks are invaluable. Start by building rapport with agents who specialise in HMOs. They're a certain gateway to discovering HMO property for sale. Regularly communicate your investment criteria. This approach places you top of mind when new HMO listings arise.

Your allies in HMO property management

Not only can estate agents help find HMO properties, but they also offer insights into HMO property management. Use their knowledge to understand the local HMO market better. They can provide tips on managing HMO properties effectively, ensuring your investment is both profitable and compliant with regulations.

Securing off-market HMO deals

Estate agents often have exclusive access to off-market HMO properties for sale. Foster strong relationships with these professionals. They can alert you to off-market opportunities, often offering better deals with less competition.

Let them know you're serious about acquiring and managing HMO properties. Their insider knowledge can be a game-changer in your investment journey.

4. Explore off-market HMO opportunities

Off-market HMO property for sale

Discovering this type of HMO property requires a different approach. These properties aren't listed on the common platforms. To uncover them, network extensively. Connect with property developers, local landlords, and real estate professionals.

They often have leads on properties not yet on the open market.

Techniques for approaching property owners

Directly approaching property owners can be effective. Here's a simple strategy:

  • Identify potential HMO properties through local research.
  • Reach out to owners with a personalized approach.
  • Express interest in their property as a potential HMO investment.
  • Discuss possibilities, keeping HMO property management in mind and not just targeting exclusive deals.

Doing something along lines can uncover unique opportunities not available to the general market.

Building a network for off-market deals

Networking is key for off-market success. Attend local real estate events and join online forums focused on HMO property for sale. These connections can provide exclusive access to off-market HMO deals.

Share your interest in HMO property management with your network too. This shows your commitment and seriousness outside of simply trying to pocket a bargain HMO deal, and it'll make others more likely to share opportunities with you.

5. Partner with property sourcers for prime HMO picks

Engaging deal sourcing companies for HMO property for sale

Property sourcing agents can be invaluable in your search for HMO property for sale. These professionals have extensive networks and insider knowledge that's very difficult to come by.

They often have access to deals that never make it to the open market. Partner with a property deal sourcer who understands your specific needs in HMO investment.

Choosing the best property sourcing company

Selecting the right HMO property deal sourcer is critical.

Look for someone with a proven track record in the HMO sector. Check their credentials and past client reviews or recommendations.

A good property sourcing agent not only finds and negotiates on HMO property for sale to secure below-market-value prices – they also advise on potential returns and even HMO property management strategies to solidify any investment you make for a long-term view.

Need a head start?Perhaps we can help!

UK property investors around the world use PropSourcer to find and connect with the best HMO property sourcing professionals. Have a look through our directory and make some direct enquiries, or use our matchmaker service and we'll find you some suitable deal sourcers that meet your property requirements.

Find a HMO Property Deal Sourcer

HMO property deal sourcers work on your behalf

Property sourcing agents are skilled negotiators. They can often secure properties at below-market prices, maximising your investment potential.

Utilise their expertise to navigate complex deals. A proficient deal sourcer ensures that the acquisition process is smooth, aligning with your HMO property management plans to get the best yields, maintenance partners, and even lettings teams. This is all in aid of making your HMO property a great investment.

The value of a trusted property deal sourcer

Reputable property deal sourcers can become long-term partners in your investment journey. They understand your goals and help you build a robust HMO portfolio.

Their ongoing support is essential, not just in finding HMO properties for sale, but also in offering guidance on all sorts of effective investment strategies and tactical plays surrounding the HMO landscape.

6. Network in investment forums for HMO insights

Harnessing online forums for HMO property leads

Online real estate investment forums are a goldmine for insights on HMO property for sale. In these digital communities, investors and experts share valuable information. Join forums that focus on UK property investments.

Actively participate in discussions about HMOs. You'll find leads, tips, and first-hand experiences shared by fellow investors.

Gleaning HMO management tips from experienced investors

Within these forums, discussions aren't limited to finding properties. There's a wealth of knowledge about . Seasoned investors often share their strategies and challenges.

This information is vital. It helps you understand what to expect and how to manage your HMO effectively.

Expanding your network with like-minded property investors

Networking goes beyond exchanging information. It's about building relationships with those who share your interests. Engage with other members who are focusing on HMO property for sale.

These connections can lead to partnerships, joint ventures, or even tips about properties that haven't hit the market yet.

Staying updated on market trends and regulations

Forums are also great for staying abreast of market trends and regulatory changes affecting HMOs.

This knowledge is crucial for successful. Understanding current market conditions helps you make informed decisions about your investments.

7. Deep dive into local advertisem*nts

Scanning Local Outlets for HMO property for sale

Local newspapers and community bulletin boards often feature HMO properties for sale advertisem*nts. These traditional media sources can be particularly useful for finding local, off-market opportunities.

Regularly browse these ads. You might find unique properties that aren't listed on major platforms.

Understanding the local HMO market through advertisem*nts

Advertisem*nts in local media give you a sense of the HMO market in specific areas. They can provide insights into pricing, demand, and even the type of HMO property for sale that are common in the locality.

This information is valuable for both purchasing decisions and HMO property management – it's key to always think of the bigger picture, i.e. it's not always about just landing the best HMO property deal!

Responding quickly to promising ads

When you spot a promising ad, act swiftly. Contact the advertiser to express your interest and gather more information. Quick responses are essential, as good deals don't last long.

Ensure you're prepared to evaluate the property's potential and discuss terms effectively.

Building relationships with local advertisers

As you explore local advertisem*nts, you may notice recurring names or agencies. Build relationships with these advertisers. They could become a regular source of HMO properties for sale.

Establishing a rapport with local agents, landlords, or sellers can give you advanced notice of upcoming opportunities.

8. Harness social media for HMO property leads

Connecting with sellers on social platforms

Social media is a dynamic tool for finding HMO property for sale. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn host numerous real estate groups and pages. Join these communities and even be a fly on the wall to see what's going down.

Engage with posts related to HMO sales – being part of the community makes people remember you more easily, and they may think of you the next time they know of other HMO properties for sale.

Often, sellers and agents use these platforms to market their properties before they are listed elsewhere.

Creating a presence in HMO investment circles

Establish your own presence within these online communities. Share your interest in HMO properties for sale and HMO property management.

You can even consider ways to target HMO investors directly through various marketing techniques.

By actively participating in discussions and posting inquiries, you'll become known as a serious investor. This recognition can lead to direct messages from sellers or tips from others in the group.

Utilising direct messaging for opportunities

Don't hesitate to use direct messaging. Reach out to individuals who mention they have an HMO property for sale.

A personal touch can make a difference. Be polite and professional in your communications.

Express your specific investment criteria and interest in well-operated properties and efficient HMO property management.

Following local real estate influencers and hashtags

Keep an eye on local and national real estate influencers and trending hashtags related to HMOs.

They often share market insights, upcoming deals, or valuable tips on HMO property management.

Following these sources keeps you informed about the latest trends and opportunities in your target areas.

9. Area analysis: target HMO hotspots

Identifying high-demand locations for HMOs

Start by pinpointing areas with high demand for HMO property for sale.

Look for regions known for their rental markets, such as university towns or cities with significant workforces.

Understanding where the demand is can guide your search to the most lucrative areas. Local council websites, property news, and market reports are excellent resources for this information.

Conducting in-depth local market research

Once you've identified potential areas, dive deeper into the local market. Visit the neighborhoods. Talk to residents, local businesses, and real estate professionals.

Gather data on average rent prices, occupancy rates, and typical HMO property management costs. This hands-on approach gives you a realistic picture of potential returns and challenges.

Comparing areas for the best HMO investment opportunities

Compare your targeted areas against each other. Consider factors like property prices, potential rental yields, and the ease of HMO property management.

Look for emerging markets or areas undergoing regeneration, as they might offer growth potential. Making informed comparisons helps you prioritise where to focus your HMO property search.

Staying updated on local regulations and trends

Each area might have different regulations impacting HMO properties for sale and HMO property management.

Stay informed about licensing requirements, planning permissions, and any local housing standards.

This knowledge is crucial to ensure any HMO you purchase complies with regulations and meets market expectations.

10. Befriend landlords for exclusive HMO opportunities

Joining landlord associations and groups

Landlord associations are a hub for discussion and exchange regarding HMO property for sale. These groups often consist of experienced property owners who manage multiple units.

By joining, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge on HMO property management and may find exclusive sale opportunities shared within these circles.

Attending meetings and property events

Regularly attend meetings and property-related events hosted by landlord associations. These gatherings are perfect for networking and learning from seasoned investors.

They often discuss market trends, legislative changes, and tips for managing HMO property for sale.

Use these events to build your network and learn from the successes and challenges of others.

Leveraging relationships for off-market leads

Establishing strong relationships with fellow landlords can lead to off-market HMO property for sale leads. Landlords looking to sell or know of others who are might prefer dealing directly with an acquainted investor.

Such deals can be more straightforward and less competitive, offering better terms. It's a numbers game after all...

Sharing knowledge and experiences

Engage actively in these networks by sharing your experiences and insights on HMO property management. Offering valuable information can establish your reputation as a knowledgeable UK property investor.

In return, members are more likely to share their insider knowledge, giving you a competitive edge in finding and managing HMO properties.

What’s next on your HMO property investment journey?

As you embark on your journey to find HMO property for sale, remember, the right strategy makes all the difference.

This guide has navigated you through ten proven methods, each offering unique advantages. From scouring sites, platforms and social media, to networking with industry insiders, understanding local markets and the benefits of using a property deal sourcer – your toolbox is now equipped with diverse approaches to uncover the most promising HMO property investments.

It's not just about getting the HMO property deal

Don't downplay the importance of effective HMO property management as part of any HMO property deal you enter. Stay informed, be proactive, and cultivate relationships that transform leads into lucrative deals.

Your path to HMO property investment is clear.

With determination, research, and the right connections, you'll uncover opportunities that many overlook.

Dive in with confidence, backed by the strategies outlined here, and watch as your property portfolio grows, one successful HMO at a time!

Interested in exploring other types of property investment strategies? We've written detailed articles about the following:

  • Rent to rent UK property strategy: everything you need to know about the R2R business model.
  • Serviced accommodation business setup: a starter guide on getting an SA property business going.
  • Corporate lets with a R2R model: key points for how to win in the corporate letting space.

What about simply finding deals yourself across any property investment strategy? We've got you covered with our guide on how to find the best profitable property deals.

10 Ways to Find HMO Property for Sale (2024)


10 Ways to Find HMO Property for Sale? ›

If you're buying an existing HMO with a mortgage, you'll need an HMO-specific loan which allows the renting of rooms to individual tenants. However, if you need finance to fund an HMO conversion, an HMO-specific mortgage may not be available until the property is classed as such.

How do I sell my HMO? ›

Below are the documents that you should ensure you have before you start the selling process:
  1. Floor plan of your HMO.
  2. Fire alarm certification.
  3. Building regulation certification.
  4. HMO license certification.
  5. Planning documentation for your HMO.
  6. Electrical safety certification.
  7. If available, your RICS valuation.

Can you buy a HMO? ›

If you're buying an existing HMO with a mortgage, you'll need an HMO-specific loan which allows the renting of rooms to individual tenants. However, if you need finance to fund an HMO conversion, an HMO-specific mortgage may not be available until the property is classed as such.

What is the meaning of HMO property? ›

A house in multiple occupation ( HMO ) is a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from 1 'household' (for example a family) but share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen. It's sometimes called a 'house share'.

What is an HMO in Scotland? ›

Contact your council for a licence to rent out your property as a house in multiple occupation (HMO) in Scotland. A house in multiple occupation is a property rented out by at least 3 (unrelated) people who share the bathroom or toilet and kitchen. It can also be known as a house share.

How to market HMO? ›

Leveraging Digital Advertising for HMOs

By leveraging various digital advertising channels such as social media, search engine marketing, display advertising, and content marketing, we ensure maximum visibility and engagement for our clients. One of the key digital advertising channels we utilize is social media.

How does HMO make money? ›

The medical entities that enter into contracts with the HMO are paid an agreed-upon fee to offer a range of services to the HMO's subscribers. The agreed payment allows an HMO to offer lower premiums than other types of health insurance plans while retaining a high quality of care from its network.

How to find HMO properties? ›

Not only can estate agents help find HMO properties, but they also offer insights into HMO property management. Use their knowledge to understand the local HMO market better. They can provide tips on managing HMO properties effectively, ensuring your investment is both profitable and compliant with regulations.

Why is HMO cheaper? ›

These are called in-network providers. Your costs are typically lower with an HMO because it already has agreements in place with providers. They pay less to providers they have contracts with, so you pay less for the plan.

Should I switch to HMO? ›

HMO plans typically have lower monthly premiums. You can also expect to pay less out of pocket. PPOs tend to have higher monthly premiums in exchange for the flexibility to use providers both in and out of network without a referral. Out-of-pocket medical costs can also run higher with a PPO plan.

What are 3 disadvantages of HMO? ›

  • If you need specialized care, you will need a referral from your primary care physician to an in-network provider.
  • Must see in-network providers for care-less flexibility than a PPO plan.

What is an advantage of having an HMO? ›

Advantages of HMO plans

Lower monthly premiums and generally lower out-of-pocket costs. Generally lower out-of-pocket costs for prescriptions. Claims won't have to be filed as often since medical care you receive is typically in-network.

What are the main characteristics of an HMO? ›

HMOs provide medical care for their patients for a prepaid fee. Compared to other common health insurance plans, such as preferred provider organizations (PPOs), HMOs are generally less expensive. Patients with an HMO must have a primary care provider (PCP).

Who started HMOs? ›

Paul M. Ellwood Jr., often called the "father" of the HMO, began having discussions with what is today the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that led to the enactment of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973.

How long does it take to get HMO? ›

We aim to issue your licence within 12 weeks of receiving a valid application. A valid application comprises a fully completed application form, fee paid, and where the licence holder is different to the applicant, a separate signed declaration.

How many HMOs are there in England? ›

That is happening because tenants insist on higher standards – such as ensuite bathrooms, better quality furnishings, bigger rooms, and high-speed broadband. But the HMO market is decreasing, with 489,701 HMOs across England today compared to nearly 511,000 in 2019-2020.

What is a HMO investment? ›

Houses in Multiple Occupation, or HMOs, are generally defined as properties with a minimum of three unconnected tenants sharing kitchen, bathroom and toilet facilities. Unconnected means not part of the same household, therefore unrelated.

What is the difference between an HMO and an HMO POS? ›

Most HMOs provide care through a network of doctors, hospitals and other medical professionals that you must use to be covered for your care. With an HMO-POS you can go outside of the network for care, but you'll pay more. You'll need to choose a primary care physician (PCP) to coordinate all your care.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.